
I'm a jock and wish to congratulate?

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the Welsh for kicking the English up the ar/se yesterday,

well done lads !




  1. I`m half welsh half scottish so yesterday was a day of mixed blessings, but I agree with you wholehearted that it was worth it to see their little faces.

  2. Id like to thank the Scottish Rugby team for rolling over so easily and taking it up the *** from the French yesterday, I had a nice £££ payout if Ireland won the championship, but i suppose i could do with missing a few meals.

    As for anthems, its amazing how Flower of scotland is one of the only scottish patriotic songs that is impossible to completely play on the bagpipes!!!

  3. Well thanks very much wee yin.

    I am just sorry that our vicory condemmed you to the wooden spoon. :(

  4. hahaha, as fellow jock I have to agree with you, well done to the Welsh.

    G*I*M*P I agree with you fully, hail the Scots.

  5. play fair now everyone,yes the welsh deserved their win yesterday they were awesome but after all it`s only a game it`s not the winning it`s the taking part. Da iawn to all the rugby boys whatevever team they played for

  6. Fµck of you kilt wearing whiskey breathed caber tossing haggis molesting battle of Caledon losing wanking jock

  7. I'm English, and have lived in Scotland for many years, (probably more than you!), It is a lovely place, spoilt only by the 90 minute racists (football), and 80 minute patriots (rugby), that live here.

    You may be as rude about the English as you like, but please remember when you sing Flower of Scotland (assuming you have learnt all the words), what language you sing it in.

    At least the Welsh sing in their own language and not that of their conquerors!

  8. Why do the Jocks and Taffs get off on beating the English?! What's there to celebrate - the bloody French won, we should all be crying into our beers!

    Besides which, you lot let the Italians beat you - that's just tragic...

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