
I'm a junior now and I'm planning to play volleyball. If I try out, is it alright to make just JV?

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So the school year has ended and I'm starting to go to volleyball practices at school and I'm going to work my butt off to learn the sport and everything, but I'm a junior and it'd feel somewhat awkward to play this sport that I do like, but there are younger girls who are better than me because they've played for a long time and I'm wondering if my shot at JV is acceptable even though I'm a junior and pretty inexperienced with the sport. I mean, I like the game and I'm hoping to love it as time goes on, I just hope that I'll be able to make it in order to show my dedication to a team sport.




  1. of course it's ok to just make j.v. like most sports. it is just supposed to be for fun. though many people may get lost in the game it's just ment to have fun. so enjoy yourself no matter what team you're on winning or joosing. varsity or junior varsity.

  2. yes it's ok to make the jv team.thats alot better than not making the team at all.

  3. JV is definitely okay, because after that year you are guaranteed position, and you probably will get more playing time on jv than varsity anyway. who likes to be benched?

  4. at my school you can be in JV as long as you are not a senior. so good luck!

  5. if you made j.v at my school you would be extrmley lucky. no matter what grade your in. because where i live with have varsity, Junior Varisty, and Rookie. no one usually evers makes j.v inless youve allready been on rookie.

  6. There's nothing wrong in making JV especially if you're pretty inexperienced. A lot of the girls you'll be trying out against have been playing since their freshman year, if not before, so the competition can be really stiff. Also, playing on a JV team will give you a year to hone your skills with a little less stress than going straight to Varsity. Which ever team you make (or even if you don't) the whole point is to try your best, learn what you can and most importantly, enjoy being there! Good luck!

  7. As long as you are having fun, it's ok.  At my high school, there were lots of juniors on JV, but even if you are the only one, you can add some maturity to the squad.

  8. you will improve, trust me. if you play your senior year too you will help new comers because you know what it feels like to come into a sport, and you see better players. you will improve i totally have confidence in you! YOU CAN DO IT!

  9. If you keep practicing and show your dedication it will be rewarded.  Making the JV team is great! Especially if your school has a good volleyball program, the experience you would gain on the JV team will help you toward making the varsity team when you are a senior.

  10. for sure, it's okay...

    heck i'm going to be a junior, but i actually want to play jv ... (i've played since freshman and could've done varsity this year but i decided not to). I want to play jv because my goal is to beat all the schools that beat my team the previous years.

    It doesn't matter if there are people better than you, as long as you're willing to give time to play. Volleyball doesn't really get much harder after one can give good passes, 'less you are trying to be a hitter.

  11. ya, it's ok for jv

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