
I'm a lady 59 yrs old and have been having chronic pain in my lower back & left hip for many yrs now. I can't?

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seem to find out what is causing this. I have had an ex-ray on my hip and nothing, even no arthtitis,I had a cat scan done on my abdomen because the pain also centers on the lower part of my abdomen. I had a hystrectomy when I was 35. So a few weks ago I had a MRI done which showed degenerative disk but not enough to have the pain I have .So I;m nowhere. I suffer from my hip at night, I can no stand or sit for any lenghth of time .I've taken pills for pain , depression. I've been to a chiropractor who helped many years ago but deosn't anymore. They say Physical therapy but i walk 20 min everyday and it just brings it on more. anyadvice for LOST IN PAIN




  1. hi there. may i just know apart from degenerative disk from the MRI, what else did your doctor say? does your pain radiate into the buttocks, back of the thigh, or below the knee into the calf and ankle? is there any loss in sensation or muscle function? what about bladder and bowel control? is it normal?

    Degenerative disk disease is a really common problem. My girlfriend has degenerative disk disease and it sometimes affect her really bad. Are you on any medications? such as analgesics like regular paracetamol or Non-steroidal anti-inflammartories? what about muscle relaxants? Let me know more about it and see if i can help. You're welcome to ask me. If i can help, i'll be glad to.  

  2. Try eating more soy (soy milk, tofu, etc.) Studies have shown that eating soy can increase bone density especially in the back and hips. The fact that you had a hysterectomy at 35 is a big clue. This decreased your estrogen levels. Soy has phytoestrogens which can help as a replacement.

  3. geez...your in a bad way with this pain. so you have had all the usual test...x-ray, cat scan......hmmm i dont think that the hysterectomy  would have had much to do with it to be honest. other wise i would have thought that maybe u had a dropped womb....but obviously not the case...........

    it sounds to me (even though u were probably tested for it) that u have the signs of osteoperosis...which would be common in a lady of your age. .......which as you already know is a break down of the bone strength....putting more strain in your muscles..causing pain......

    but the x-ray showed your hip to be enquiring about a hip replacment would be pointless.......

    maybe it is they have told you, you disk's........hmmm, im not convinced though. i would do my best to get a few more profesional would be worth it......

    and even something as simple as checking the matress on your bed, if it is only your disk's, then maybe investing in a really good quality bed, would maybe help to take the pressure off where it hurts most....

    also, there are loads of anti-inflamitory gels and creams and sprays on the market, that might bring some relief ........

    i feel  sorry for you, after i saw my own mother going through a hip replacment, its not a nice of luck :)

  4. Hi your one leg can be shorter than the other especially if the back pain is to one side get yourself measured and get a insert for your shoe or get that shoe build up.  

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