
I'm a libra-- describe me.?

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and i don't know what sites to go to, to find that kinda cool sites like that so if you have and let me know.




  1. you would love cafe astrology~! my fav site to read

    Libra natives are generally thought to be sociable, somewhat intellectual souls. They have an almost innocent way about them that makes them very approachable. Generally quite eager to cooperate, Librans spend a lot of their time trying not to rock the boat.

    In theory, Libras are peace-loving. In practice, they can quietly stir up all sorts of trouble with their ways. Because Libra enjoys balance in their lives, they seek the middle ground. In the process, they may end up trying to be everything to everyone. This is where their reputation for untruthfulness comes from. Generally, their untruths spring from a true desire for peace and fairness--although they may not be comfortable with direct and malicious trickery, they feel totally justified when they lie in order to avoid making waves. Peace at any price! In this sense, they seem harmless. But, what can result is quite a ruckus! People involved with Libras may crib about their lack of directness and their apparent inability to take a stand. Librans are experts at avoiding being the one to blame. When confronted, they'll (calmly and reasonably) say, "What, me? No, I just want peace."

    "On the fence", "middle ground", "middle road" -- these are all expressions that we can safely associate with Libra.

    Some more powerful signs may consider Libra a little on the weak side. This is all a matter of opinion, however! Without Libra, life simply wouldn't be as fair.

    Librans are known for comparing and thinking in relative terms, instead of in absolutes. This weekend is not just a good weekend, it's better than last weekend. These people are always looking for the "best" way or the "right" way to live. Harmony is the ultimate goal, but their idealism and high expectations can mean plenty of discontent. Since life presents all of us with an extraordinary amount of choices, if Libra doesn't learn to live in the moment at least some of the time, they'll be in a constant state of unrest.

    Society needs rules, and these rules attempt to bring justice, equality, and fairness. On an individual level, Libra represents these laws of civilization. Libra comes across as very civilized and rather refined.

    Keywords: just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artistic

  2. check this out.. it really helped me.. by the way im dating a libra guy and he's so awesome.. libra is cardinal air element..

    libra, aquarius and gemini is in the air element..

    libra speak their heart, they're nice, loving, friendly, they like everything balance out, kind, trustworthy and the list go on and on and on..

    good luck hope this helps you

  3. sociable, freiendly, easy going, materalistic, sensual, lovely, indescivie, likes to be balanced, easily led, charming

  4. pressured easily,S****y,and know it all

    im kidding

    fun,cool,and smart

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