
I'm a little concerned...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so me and my BFF have been best friends for about a year, and the first day of school was yesterday. We don't have any classes together besides lunch. Yesterday I couldn't find her at lunch, though. Today when I saw her she told me about this new girl at school who she is friends with now. I met her, and she is nice and all, but my BFF already considers her as a 'close friend', and she only knew her for a day. And this new girl has 5 classes with her. Now my BFF talks about their inside jokes ALL THE TIME!! It is really upsetting me, because even though I'm still her BFF, I probably won't be a month later if she is already a close friend. What should I do?? I don't want to lose her as my best friend... D=




  1. For sure, you are upset about this new girl because you are jealous of her. That's a very natural feeling however. Don't let yourself ever be convinced about this feeling, because everybody can feel this way.

    Don't try to fight against their friendship or get upset at your friend because she likes her new friend. There's nothing wrong with liking other people. You don't want to be the type of person that hurts or divides people apart.

    It might be better to put that energy into working hard in you classes/sports etc., and be the type of person that can make new friends wherever you go. That kind of person isn't swayed by jealousy.

  2. Maybe you can make plans with your BFF. Just you and her. That way you two are still having time for just your friendship. Then you could invite the new girl to hang out just the two of you. If you do that then you'll be able to get to know the new girl without your best friend irritating you with their new jokes. You could even see if you could get your schedule changed so you have at least one class with your best friend that the new girl's in too. So the three of you can hang out. Hope I helped and good look babe. :)

  3. If she ditches you for a girl she just met then she is not your BFF and she never was. If you really want to continue to be friends with her you will just have to accept the new girl. You should also try making more friends just in case.

  4. call her alot on the phone and invite her over alot and hang out alot outside of school. join the same groups or sports teams.  

  5. You can have more than one friend even though you two are close you should let this new girl into your circle she is probably scared about making friends and also remind your best friend on how much you care and how you will always be there it is reassuring to know when your friend has your back.

  6. try to invite her shopping or the movies

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