
I'm a little lost here, and just need some clarification on two terms.?

by  |  earlier

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First, what is an indigo child, and why indigo? I understand a red child or a blue child may sound somehow discimiative, but is it a color that is attached to you?

Second, what does it mean if you are a crystal?

I really apologize, but I gave up on the new age stuff in my teens, and just went to wicca.




  1. And now for the other point of view.

  2. In 1997 the Group spoke of the Crystal children as possibilities in human evolution. In spite of what we see on the news, the Group says that we are moving forward rapidly. As a result, the Crystal children are no longer a possibility, now they are a reality.

    The two primary attributes of a Crystal child are:

    • Extremely powerful

    • Extreme sensitivity and even vulnerable

    Considering these attributes you can see throughout history where Crystal scouts have entered to test the waters or to plant important seeds. Until now, the collective vibration of humanity has not been high enough to support them in our world. We typically go into fear when they see something different. In fact we have a history of treating Crystal scouts very poorly. The Group said we crucified a crystal child 2000 years ago and he was not the first.

    The Group suggests that Crystals are going to start coming in within the next four years will full attributes. Until then we will see children entering with partial Crystal attributes as they have for the past seven years. At first, this sounds wonderful, but let’s takes a closer look at what it may actually mean to have the first Crystal kid on the block.

    The Power of Crystal Kids

    Imagine that you have just discovered that your two year old son can move things with his mind. How will you explain that to the neighbors? Envision what it will be like the first time that you take your little girl out in public and she begins to read the thoughts of the person sitting next to you in the restaurant. Much like the Indigo children that have preceded them, Crystal children have a very thin veil. It will be very common to have a Crystal child walk up to you and say: “Mommy, do you remember when I was your grandfather?” Additionally, Crystals have inter-dimensional abilities that enable them to cross the lines between alternate realities. In the beginning the Group says that we may misinterpret these abilities. But eventually the children themselves will show us how it all works. One of the most important abilities we will see with Crystals is that they carry an inbred understanding of unity consciousness. To us, this will be seen first as their ability to read our thoughts and know what is in our hearts through complete emotional empathy. Even though this will be difficult for humanity to accept at first it is clear to see that when we know what everyone else is thinking and feeling there will be no more secrets. When there are no more secrets, there can be no place for things like war.

  3. For more info about similar subject matter visit  A.R.E.  (Association for Research and Enlightenment)

  4. The indigo children movement is incompatible with the core teaching of Wicca, which includes responsibility for one's actions and equality of capacity.

  5. actually, indigo children have indigo coloured auras.. people noticed that from the 1970's onwards, several people born had indigo coloured auras.. hence the name 'indigo child'. around 90% of children born in the 1990's are indogo children according to the experts. you can take several tests on the internet to find out if you or anyone else around you fit the describtion of indigo children.

    indigo, crystal, rainbow and blue-ray children are said to have come to earth to help raise its vibration. Indigos tend to be fairly sensitive to supernaturally. for example, they can very easily sense when someone in untruthful, they can see spirits. Several people misunderstand indigos.. they think they are wierdos or goth like or just plain freaky.,, well we are not.. ( i am an indigo) we are just a little different.. a little more sensitive.. thats all.

    there is so much more to say.. i really hope you will go to the websites below... they explain everything in much detail in a way its easy for us to understand...if oyu dont have much time, at least go to the first site and the last site.


    these are the best indigo children websites not to mention my favourites

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