
I'm a man who will never get to visit Ireland,to people wo live there,what's a typical day in the countryside

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  1. Typical day in the Countryside in Ireland

    Get up at the crack of dawn

    Say Prayers

    Milk Cows

    Dig Spuds

    Shovel Manure

    Breakfast (6 pounds of spuds)

    Shovel more manure

    Empty Cesspit (see Breakfast, Lunch & Tea)

    Dig Turf

    Lunch (6 pounds of Spuds)

    Bring Bessie to market

    Sell Bessie

    Buy side of bacon

    Return Home

    Have tea (6 pounds of Spuds + Bacon)

    Milk Cows

    Listen to the wireless

    Say prayers

    Go to Bed

    Nighty Nighty Now

  2. em...well i live deep into the countryside, very quiet.

    i wake up at 8am to get ready for school, look out the window to see the beautiful scenary below,(i live on a mountain) and check what the weather is like,(usually cold enough).

    i walk down the hill to catch the bus to school and after school get the bus again and walk up the hill to home. i then get my dinner(its not a dinner without the spuds on the plate!) i go for a nice quiet walk with my family afterwards, usually on our walk we check the horses are alright, get home, and get to bed.

  3. Why not, we are not ALL mad!!  A typical day in the countryside would be rising with the sound of the rooster, misty mornings maybe damp and wet, quiet roads, (in the deep country) cows chewing and mooing, sheep lambing at the moment, dogs barking, people getting on about their business.  Bare trees, acres of green fields, maybe a lake or two, perhaps the mountains in the background, in fact there are always mountains in the background!!   Farmers ploughing the fields, postman driving long lanes to deliver letters.  Little villages busy with pension day and market day. Cattle being driven on the road in the evening to be milked, mind the traffic, what traffic!  It'll wait for the cows anyway!  Milk tanker arriving to collect the milk.  In for the dinner and in the evening, the tea.  No pub visits in the evening anymore, can't drink and drive.  Lonely existence.  Maybe get the bike out! To bed early, another day tomorrow.

  4. Why will you never visit?  I've seen pacakges to Ireland for less than $500 save you pennies and go

  5. ok most of the answers above are a bit taking the mick but what isn't mentioned is the potholes in the road, dark and cold and usually wet in the morning when going to school/work but one interesting thing is people wave to each other on the road, like if you're walking along the road you will acknowledge a car passing you and vice versa with a lift of the hand or nod of the head even if the person is a complete stranger and if you pass anyone in their gardens or outside the house or on the road you always say hello! Don't have that in the city and it's fading as Irish towns get bigger, I think so anyway!

    Also like mentioned above constant roadworks and traffic especially on the back road (country road), alternative route to town!

  6. I'm 15. I get up at 6.30am and milk the cows, then at 7.30 am I shear the sheep, I collect the eggs then and leave for school, it's at 15 mile walk without shoes. I arrive at school late and put turf on the fire (our schools have no radiators). I then go home at 4pm by horse and cart, and when I get back I churn the butter. I then have a wash in the stream, eat spuds and go to bed!

    No Really!

    I am 15 and I live in the countryside (we don't own a farm though). I get up at 7.30am and leave for school 5 miles away by bus at 8.05 am.... I leave school at 3.45pm and get home at 4pm due to roadworks (usually 4.30pm). In the evening I go for a walk with the dog, watch tv and do homework. Nothing different to anybody else!

    Oh and for fun at the weekend me and my friends cut turf, go to Mass, play turf ball (we can't afford real balls) or if we're lucky one of our daddies maybe might bring us to the Mart! Best fun every!

  7. Why will you never get to visit Ireland? You can fly here pretty cheaply now and theres lots of great cheap accomodation - you have got to come and visit!

  8. Aibhe, very very funny, me and my husband really enjoyed that, but alas as you know its not true, we are more like any normal person in the UK or USA, only with a far better quality of life, there is a lot less of the c**p here, driving is bliss, the countryside is beautiful and the people are wonderful and what we do have is fresh air and lots of seasides amd great food. spuds yeah! but not the amount you are talking about.

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