
I'm a marine wife getting ready to PCS...?

by  |  earlier

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and i need to know how soon before we move do i need to get in to contact with TMO? and also how soon before we move do i set up the apartment stuff?




  1. Wow, a bit hostile to the people giving you honest answers. Relax and you could learn a thing or two about a military move.

    "excuss me? i am too his power of attoney you moron!"

    You can not be a power of attorney. That is a piece of paper, a legal document. You are acting on his behalf as an attorney-in-fact. That is the official name of the power of attorney appointee - Attorney-in-fact

  2. As soon as the orders are issued the move can be set up.  Usually it should be done ASAP so you can get the dates you want not the dates that are open. A few days before the move you will have someone come in and walk through to see how much they are going to pack up.   If you are going to do it then you need a POA to otherwise the AD member must do it all  Remember they pack it all so empty out your garbages.  Anything you pack they will repack so be careful on that as well.   make sure you take all the batteries out of remotes, electronics, etc.. as usually they can't be packed (depends on the movers).  You can have dried and canned goods back as well as some liquids as long as they aren't opened.  Make sure you have all electronics marked on a separate sheet for value.  Have them mark the boxes on the outside what area you want it to go to when you get there so it is easier for you.

    You can look at places to live in where you are going but remember don't sign anything until you get there because you can't always go with what is online being true.  You might also be able to get into housing right away as well if that is an option that you are looking at.  

    When you get there they will give you 10 days of TLE (up to $180 per night) to find a place.  BAH is still being paid so you have that as well.  Also qualify for DLA that starts at $1800 (for E5 and below) which helps out.  You will get MALT (.29 cents per mile) when driving to the location - max of 350 miles per day.  Also Per Diem which is $109 for AD member, 75% of it for dependents over 12 and 50% for those under 12.

    Edited:  dipshit, well that took a lot of skills.  How many times have you moved with the military?  NONE how many times have I moved....6 including 1 with 29 days notice overseas!  So I think I know what I am talking about.  But obviously you feel that I don't. So fine take it that way but wait until you try and do it then talk about it.

    You aren't a POA - POWER OF ATTORNEY! you are the spouse that's it.  In order to set up the move with TMO/PPO as the spouse you need a POA, unless you have one they will not give you anything.  Sometimes they will require a specific POA because you are moving his belongings too.

  3. As soon as you get the hard copy of the orders you contact the Outbound TMO.  

  4. i havent PCS'd yet but i have had friends that have, i would say since where we are stationed they dont really give you an exact date, you should just look online and make phone calls and find an apartment asap, and get where you going to be living set up and start packing! good luck with the move!

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