
I'm a mma fan but i just started doing kick boxing and i like it but my problem is?

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i want to just do kick boxing and the biggest stand up fighting organization is k-1 in japan. and what i want to know is if the money good like in mma cause in k-1 do you make lot's of money and if so why do alot of k-1 guys like crocop cross over to mma?




  1. i agree with judo.the pay is perks of the job!u have to do it for the love of the sport.i made money in some professional middleweight iska matches but that's not why i did it .i did it because i love the competition.and judo is right it don't just happen over is great but it's became a big trend and i see alot of punks go out and train for a couple of months, throw on a tapout shirt, and think they know it all.i've been practicing muay thai, and american kickboxing for a long time and i don't have all figured out.ur motives are all wrong.

  2. If you are in it for the money, you are not practicing martial arts!

  3. Seriously? You just started kickboxing, aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself? You have no idea if you are even going to be good yet, much less be able to compete at a high level.

    And if you are worried about money... Doctors and Lawyers make WAY more money than professional fighters. (So do actors, rappers, musicians, and you are just as likely to become rich from doing one of those as you are fighting... meaning there are tons of starving musicians and actors waiting tables... just like there are tons of fighters working a crappy 9 to 5 and fighting hoping to make it to a big show).

    If you are worried about getting paid, you should probably look to put your efforts towards a real education. If you feel that is beyond you, and feel you can only make money with your fighting abilities (of which you have none currently) the average WWE wrestler makes more than the average MMA or K-1 Fighter.

    Sumo are a much bigger draw and are much richer in Japan than kickboxers.

    This question is like saying "I just started playing guitar, and I am wondering which record label will pay me the most..."

    Seriously... your problem isn't what organization to go with, your problem is you are WAY ahead of yourself. There are a hundred kickboxers in the ISKA and smaller organizations who have been doing it for years, are highly skilled and not elite enough or marketable enough for K-1. There are hundreds of MMA fighters, h**l the vast majority of MMA fighters who have to work, or make ends meet by teaching. In k-1, and MMA, it is a precious few who make the really big money, and it is a matter of skill, luck, marketability, genetics, and good promotion that make a difference.

    Your problem is that you aren't living in reality, few people make money from fighting. If you are looking for money, doing kickboxing, MMA, or any other shot in the dark isn't the way to do it, you are better off playing the lottery, because the odds are about the same.

    Go to school, work hard, get ahead, and make your money that way. But with your attitude I can already see that you don't have what it takes... you just started and you are already talking about K-1, or MMA...

    Seriously... it is really disrespectful, you should ask your instructor about this... so you can see the look on his face as he knocks you around the ring for even presuming you could be worthy of that before you have even fought or at the level where you could fight a single fight...

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