
I'm a new Monavie distributor looking to build a team, I was wondering how I throw a successful tasting party?

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I'm a new Monavie distributor looking to build a team, I was wondering how I throw a successful tasting party?




  1. So you are new to the world of Monavie, well I would like to welcome you. I have been in Monavie for 18 months and it is the best decision you can make. As far as your tasting party you need to talk to your upline about doing it with you, that is important if they don't know how you need to find some one in your team that does. You need a mapbook from R-3 Global that will tell you everything you need to know about a tasting party. Do tasting parties every week until your team is built where you do tasting parties at their homes. This is how you build your business. Get familiar with your mapbook the closer you stick to it the more success you will have. Good luck.

    P.S. If you need any more info go to    

  2. If you are following the R3Global system, get yourself a MAP book off their website. It tells you exactly how to do a tasting party. Also, if your upline is local, ask them to help you.  

  3. What's a Monavie tasting party?  

  4. I got everything for my Monavie business through Black Diamond University

  5. What the heck is Monavie?  Never heard of it!  

  6. If you doing this whole mlm network marketing thing i suggest that you try to look as professional as possible, make some business cards send out invites, put a presentation together


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