
I'm a new art director at a summer camp this year, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any projects?

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The kids are co-ed ages 7 through 15, and I have six weeks with different children and ages. I need to fill numerous hours and I didn't know if anyone could help me with some ideas. I can order project supplies online and the budget isn't too big or too small. There are themes to the weeks, superherous, summer olympics, welcome to the circus, music makers, the wonder years, and world leaders. Any help you can offer would be amazing.




  1. I would stay away from anything biblical...religion is vast and some children will have parents that won't appreciate their child's participation in a project based on a biblical period.

    Now what I would consider is if there is a lake then why not have a the camp break into teams and make their own raft for a raft race?  Let's say they'd be limited to rope, recylced plastic, twigs or anything else that is found in nature or is a recycleable.  Have at least two people be in the raft during the race that are good swimmers and have them all wear flotation vest.

    I would also think if there is a super hero and a circus week that maybe they can make their own costumes using old bed sheets.  Have a face painting area for both days too.  The cost for face paint is economical and can be washed off the childrens faces and their clothes easily.  They'll have plenty of fun!

    For a week dedicated to music makers maybe have a rap contest where the winner get's pizza for them and their sleep mates.  If the camp already has music equiptment maybe even have a band contest and semi concert for the kids one night.  Decorate the area with Banners that the kids can make and get them involved on the rules will be for the bands and how the judging criteria will be.

  2. Something with Noah's ark comes to mind, maybe out of sand even, How about a merry go round, or a small carnival with differnt rides, also you ever watch those dog shows and how they run around the ring jumping over things, you could make a course, maybe a racetrack, Hopefully this helped. Good luck!!

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