
I'm a new lacto-vegetarian, should take additional vitamins?

by Guest56528  |  earlier

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What vitamins should I take to replace those I was getting in beef, chicken, pork, fish and eggs?




  1. There aren't any vitamins you can't get from vegetables.  Vitamin B-12 is hard to get though.  Even so, If you're taking a daily multivitamin you will be fine.  They even make vegetarian multivitamins with more of the things we tend to lack (such as vitamin  B-12 and zinc).  As long as you eat a healthy diet you will be fine.  The key to getting the right vitamins is to eat a variety of foods.

    good luck, and good job becoming a vegetarian!

  2. Cheese has b-12 and all essential amino acids. Shall you give up cheese do a bit of research to make sure you get all essential nutrients and aminos.  So I would say no you do not need additional vitamins.

  3. I was a vegan for about 2 and 1/2 years.  You come to find that after awhile the lack of B vitamins, specifically B-12, does some funny things to your brain.  This is the only main vitamin that you risk not getting with a healthy vegetarian diet.  Since you are a lacto-vegetarian, you probably won't have any problems obtaining your B vitamins if you consume enough dairy products.  Just remember that excessive dairy consumption can cause serious constipation in some people.  My advice:  take a B-12 tablet daily just to be on the safe side.

  4. what is a lacto-vegetarian?

    are you refraining from dairy completely?

    vitamins aren't going to give you the proteins and omega-3  that you will be missing from your diet.

    I would talk to a dietician or doctor to make sure

  5. you can get all the propper vitamins from vegtables and fruits...but these are all the vitamins  you need...

    calcium-almonds,brazil nuts,seeds,nuts,soybeans,kale,collard greens,broccoli,kelp,molasses

    folic acid-leafy green veggies,carrots,artichokes,fruit,cantalo... wheat

    iron-nuts,pumpkin seeds,beans,lentils,whole grains,oatmeal,asparagus,molasses,brocco... choy,peas,green beans, sea veggies

    magnesium-nuts,seeds,sunflower seeds,green vegtables,soybeans,kelp,molasses

    omega-3 fatty acids-flaxseeds,walnuts,pumpkin seeds,hempseed oil, and other seeds

    omega-6 fatty acids-flaxseed oil,evening primrose oil,borage oil,black currant seed oil

    potassium-bananas,citrus fruits,cantaloupe,tomatoes,watercress,gr... leafy vegetables,sunflower seeds, avocados,lentils,potatoes,whole grains

    b vitamins-whole wheat,wheat germ,bran,oatmeal,whole grains,brown rice,beans,nuts,seeds,soybeans,lentils,d... and vegtables

    vitamin c-broccoli,brussel sprouts,caggage,collard green,green peppers,spinach,watercress,potatoes,grap...

    vitamin d-direct sun exposure

    vitamin e-wheat germ,whole grain cereals,whole wheat,nuts, sunflower seeds,leafy greens,

    zinc-wheat germ,whole grain,pumpkin seeds,sesame seeds, soybeans

    this is not copy and pasted this is typed from my vegan should buy has helped me so much with keeping proper nutrition its called SKINNY B*TCH..ik bad name...but its awesome..

  6. hemp seed!

    it is a complete protein (like meats) unlike soy and tufo, those are only half proteins.

    you can completely replace any meat with hemp seed and get a complete balanced diet.

  7. No, you shouldn't need to if you eat sensibly. ;)

  8. Buy a bottle of multivitamins and a tub of whey protein powder.

    You'll be getting everything from those two things that you got when you were an omni.

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