
I'm a new vegetarian...?

by  |  earlier

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I became a vegetarian last week, and I kinda need some vegetarian recipes.

It would be very helpful if you could give me some websites or links or recipes where I can get good recipes.

Also, what do veggie burgers taste like, and what is the best brand, in your opinion?

Please & thank youu:]





  1. That's great! :)

    Veggie burgers taste pretty good in my opinion, depending on brands & where you eat. I like vegan boca burgers, that have a variety of different tasty options, but I prefer not to eat too many packaged products, as they are highly processed.

    I have some great recipes at the following sites that you can follow: well as tips on eating out:

  2. i like the gardenburger brand veggie burgers the best

    but morningstar trys to taste like meat so if you miss that taste those would be best for you

    just go to and they have lots of good websites for recipies


  3. Lots of recipes right here:

    And veggie burgers taste a lot like school cafeteria burgers.

  4. We get Boca burgers... they taste good, in my opinion. Not the same, but still good. There should be a section in your supermarket with at least some selection of vegetarian foods... veggie hot dogs (Boca again) are really good... GardenBurger is good too.

    I don't really use many actual recipes but basically anything can be made... I make a lot of quesadillas, but I'm really into Mexican food...

    Hope this helps.

  5. has a vegetarian section.  I also got a lot of ideas just using my search bar. Try search fake fried chicken or fake tuna salad, you'll get a lot of hits.  I prefer Garden burgers because there are chunks of vegetables in there instead of just processed patties.  It's a matter of personal preference though.

  6. In my opinion, store bought veggie burgers are no good. I like to make my own, here is the basic recipe that I use, but I always make changes to it whenever I make it:

        *   1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed & drained

        * 1 cup rice, cooked

        * 1/4 cup onion, finely chopped

        * 2 tablespoons salsa

        * 1 egg, beaten

    I usually add one package of tofu also and I like to play with the flavors, using different types of seasonings instead of salsa sometimes. Just play around with recipes until you find something that suits your taste. But whatever you do, stay away from store bought ones unless its necessary.

  7. make lots of friut smoothies, put nuts in them, you cant taste them. or, put soy prtotein in them. veg heads need xtra protein that is missing from the lack of meat.

    i havent eaten a veggie burger for a while, so i 4got what they taste like, but i recently tries a veggie dog and it sortof scared me cuz i thought i waseating a real hot dog but i wasnt!!!!!

    good luck veg head!

  8. Wow good for you !! =D I'm a vegetarian too =] Sorry i can't really help with the recipes 'cause my mum usually cooks lol. But i can tell you that veggie burgers taste great and i like the 'meat' flavored ones by Quorn or in USA i think there's a company called Boca ( There's some recipes on here =)... ) And also to keep you motivated, check out this site. It's sad =( . Good luck with your new lifestyle choice Xx

  9. Hello and congratulations on becoming a vegetarian!

    For recipes, check out this website:

    There are also many meat replacements out there that can help you on your "go veg" journey :D

    Here is a list:

    Basically these items taste like the real thing, look like the real thing, but they are fakes...very healthy fakes! :)

    Oh and your question "What do veggie burgers taste like"...well they taste different depending on what brand you get. Garden Burgers taste like vegetables, and you can even see the veggies in it. I would get Boca Burgers...they taste pretty much exactly like meat and they are very delicious :)

    Also when going vegetarian, it's important to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein. Here is a list of foods that contain protein:


    black beans

    brown rice


    garbonzo beans

    kidney beans


    lima beans

    peanut butter

    pinto beans




    sunflower seeds

    textured vegetable protein


    veggie dogs & burgers

    Congrats and hope I helped :)


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