
I'm a newbie with cars,so how do you pump gas?

by  |  earlier

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I know it sounds dumb,but I seriously don't know how.

Thanks for NOT being a wise-***. =D




  1. ask the workers to show you.

    I'd tell you but I don't drive so I don't know

  2. How about show and tell


       1. Go inside to pay cash. It helps to know the pump you pulled up to.

       2. If paying at the pump by credit or debit cards, press "PAY AT PUMP", "PAY WITH CARD", "DEBIT", "CREDIT", or "PAY OUTSIDE".

       3. If paying by credit or debit cards, insert it and follow the instructions given on the screen.

       4. Open your gas tank. This will usually be a little lever inside your vehicle with a gas tank image marked on it. Be careful to put your cap down where you can see it if it isn't automatically attached to the tank still.

       5. Take the nozzle and put it into your gas tank first.

       6. If required, push the gas pump's lever up. This is something that can easily stump you at older gas stations if you're not used to it.

       7. Select a fuel grade: 87 (Regular), 89 (Premium), and 93 (Super), or Diesel. The machine will beep at you when selected.

       8. Press the handle on the gas pump to start pumping.

       9. Release the handle on the gas pump to stop pumping.

      10. Tap the gas pump against your car's gas tank before pulling out - this will add the last few drops to your tank and not the side of your vehicle or clothing!

      11. Select other options if necessary.

      12. Put the gas pump back in its holster.

      13. Close your gas tank.

      14. The gas pump will beep if you paid by a credit or debit card. Take your receipt.

      15. The gas pump will thank you for using it, and to come again and fuel up your car again soon.

      16. Make sure you go inside to pay for the gas. Most stations do not appreciate running away without paying

    Good Luck....

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