
I'm a noob!PLEASE HELP!"!"!"!(website ad stuff)?

by Guest34044  |  earlier

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I have made my first ever website and new to all this but i would like to know how you creat an ad or banner that links to your page so that it can be put on other peoples sites? Does that make sense???

Please help! My site is

I know how to make a banner like at bannerbreak and that but how the fudge do i put an a link to my site in it???????????





  1. Well a banner is just an image linked to your page so just put it up as such.  To make it available for other people to copy and paste the code for it just create a text box and paste the same code in there...I think that's what your asking.  The code for posting it is:

    <a href=""><im... src="YOUR IMAGE URL"></a>

    Or you could just pay me to make your website for you...wink wink lol

  2. The simplest way is to put the image inside an hyperlink tag. Suppose your banner ad image name is banner.gif then the line of code will simply look like

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" style="border:0px;" /></a>

    i assumed that the banner.gif is present in the images folder under your website.

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