
I'm a pack rat. How can I get rid of things and stop buying so much?

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Stuff that is.




  1. Find a friend that is a hyper-organizer and ask for some.  If you see your stuff through someone else's eyes, you may want to get rid of more of it.  Garage sales are a great ay to clear out  a lot at one time.  Just make sure you pack up what doesn't sell and take it to your favorite charity.

    Donate!  I actually love getting stuff out of my house more than bringing it in.  I know pet rescue organizations that will take what ever you have.  They have garage sales to raise funds.  I also agree with getting rid of one if you buy new....Don't buy a new set of bowls unless you have some you are willing to part with.

    It's hard, but try not to fall for the constant push for consumerism.  Most stuff for sale is just c**p anyway.  Be pickier and put yourself on a budget.  Don't use a shopping cart unless you really have to and limit your time in the store.

    Good Luck.  It's tough out there.

  2. Well how about every one thing you buy, you throw two things away. Hard at first but I have a clothes problem so it helps me. Gets rid of things that don't fit anymore or just plain broken

  3. Find a local charity that really resonates with you and do a spring cleaning where you donate everything to them.  That way it can be reused.  Limit your purchases by limiting your online shopping and only buy things that you have a planned need for.  No impulse buys.  Stop getting catalogs and get off junk e-mail and regular e-mail lists.

    Remember to make a little progress each day, it doesn't have to happen all at once.

  4. you may have a compulsive disorder - try going to a homeless shelter, or a women's shelter and take your stuff there for people who have virtually nothing can take what you pack away and use. A good dose of balance and seeing from another perspecitve can help.

    Here's another really good one - go to a funeral and follow the car with the casket - notice there is no U-Haul behind it - you leave with nothing...why try to hang onto what you can't keep? Why not give away whatever moths, rust, thieves, or the trash will take or get eventually - now to people who can make good use of it? Hope that gives a different perspective on your situation!

  5. Just try on your clothes,if they don't fit throw them away or give them to some that can use them. Get rid of all your nick-nacks, that u don't want,old dishes,tables,books that u read etc..

  6. Put everything you need to get rid of on your local Freecycle group.

    Cut up your credit cards and stop buying stuff!

  7. Quit your job and see how long you can enjoy Life off selling your old stuff. --Maybe pick up a nasty drug habbit???? Gambling? Lots of people lose all their stuff that way. :)

    Save a Soldier, Ride a Bike.

  8. Realize why you're shopping.

    It's said people don't shop because they want stuff, but because they're lonely. If you're lonely or filling another void, then work on your feelings, instead of trying to buy happiness.

    Also, set a budget, stick to it. Cut your spending allowance by half, you'll be buying a lot less stuff, and be able to put money into savings, and spend it to go on vacation or something, which is always better than shopping.

    To get rid of stuff, sell it online or have a big garage sale. You'll not only get rid of clutter, but make cash in the process.

    So buying less with a budget saves cash, selling old useless stuff makes cash. It's win-win.

  9. lol. seperate thing from what you need and dont need. then from what you dont need you can donate it or have a garage sale. to stop from over buying. when you go to the store know what your going to get and take a specific amount of money, so you know, you wont over spend.

  10. I too am a major pack rat.  I keep everything.  I have received lots of cardboard packing boxes.  I keep them all, just in case I need to ship.  I have paperwork and old bills going back to the 90's.

    I want to shred them.  Shredded paper can be used in compost and soil.  It helps hold moisture so you can water less.

    Stop buying new stuff and work on giving old stuff to people who can put it in use.

  11. this is also a disease... its called being a hoarder. you may need to seek professional help

  12. First thing... get two giant boxes.  One is your keep box, one is your sell box.

    Second... look around at your living spaces (don't open closets).  Take everything that is currently out of place in your house in the keep box (obviously, dirty dishes to the sink, and garbage to the recycle/trash bin).  These are the things that you are currently using.  If you have bags of stuff you bought at Target last week, but it's still sitting in the bag with the receipt, then return it - you don't need it.

    Third... now that you have some room, start going through your closets.  For every item, ask yourself "Do I want this or do I need this?"  If it's a want... and you haven't used it in more than a year, put it in the sell pile.  Rule of thumb... the further to the back or bottom of the closet something is, the lesser its importance.  TRY ON EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHES...if it doesn't fit RIGHT NOW, toss it.  Unless you are 8 months pregnant.

    Fourth... with empty closets and drawers, start thinking about how to organize the space.  Group extra kitchen wares together, sporting goods together, off-season clothes, etc.  Really look at your stuff... do you have duplicates?  Toss one, keep the other.  Put things in well-labeled boxes.  You can just use white filing boxes, discarded liquor boxes or whatnot... you don't have to spend money on these if you don't want to.

    Fifth... reload the closets, only placing things on shelves one box deep.  If you can't do this, then you need to continue to weed out the needs from the wants.  You want to be able to open the closet door and know where everything is instantaneously without digging.

    Now that you have an organized house, you need to get rid of the sell pile.  Place an ad on Craigslist for a garage sale/yard sale/ porch sale.  If you don't have room, look for ads in your paper about local flea markets or group sales that you could join.  Price things to get rid of them.  Most importantly, arrange for someone (charity resale shop) to pick up your odds and ends when the sale is over so you are not tempted to just cram it back in the closet.  Still can't find a sale location or someone to take your stuff?  Craigslist has a freebie section, and I personally love Freecycle for getting rid of extras.

    As for not buying so much, never buy something the same day you see it.  I like to give myself 24 hours to walk away from the store.  If I even remember that I wanted something, I make myself visualize where it will go in my house before I buy it.

    Good luck... not everyone can do this.

  13. Since you've asked this question then you believe it is a real problem for you.  The first thing I'd suggest is that you stop going to places where you know you won't be able to resist buying something.  Try to limit your visits to the grocery store as well since these stores tend to have a lot more than food.  Next thing I'd suggest is to have someone (a friend or a family member) help you sort through all of your things.  Be strong and break away from your things in an emotional sense.  Unless it truly has sentimental value to you like baby photos, grandma's handmade quilt, etc or if it is something you use often then be prepared to purge it.  Like I said you'll have to tear yourself away emotionally.  The last step would be to have a yard sale.  This is where your strength and determination  will be tested.  Decide beforehand what you'll do with the extra cash.  But use it for something big like a new sofa (replace the old one at the yard sale) or use it for a trip.  Do NOT use the money to buy more "stuff" which you would probably be tempted on doing.  Remember this would certainly defeat the purpose.   When you see the clean organized rooms that were once filled with clutter it will give you a sense of calm.  If the problem still persists after 6 months or so (it takes that long to break a habit) then I'd suggest as a last resort to seek professional help.  I wish you the best in your long emotional quest to rid yourself of this burden.  Remember too that you're not alone.  A lot of us have this problem.  In fact I'd say most of us have a problem getting rid of certain things.  If you share my mentality then you probably say to yourself "but, I may need it some day".  I recently had a garage sale and I literally had to focus on the overall result when people were buying so much of what I've owned for years.  After the initial shock though I was in my house bringing out more stuff I never thought I could part with.  It felt amazingly good!!!  I've been purging for 8 years and I'd say I have one more closet to go.  I really enjoy living with less.  It feels so good to me to go into my cupboards or kitchen drawers and see they are sparse.  I love opening up a closet and not see so much in there.  It makes it easier to put things away, too.  So just having a cleaner house overall makes me calmer.  You'll see it will make you feel that way, too.    Happy cleaning!!!!  =D

  14. Before you put that item on the register ask yourself

    1. where am i going to put it?

    2. Do i really need this?

    3. do i have somthing like to already at home?

    4. how better could i spend this money?

    if you still want to buy the item.... go ahead.

  15. sell on Craig's List

  16. I am too in some areas not with everything but like yarn and my crafting items.

    It's hard to start getting rid of stuff and there's usually a reason you became a pack rat with or without realizing it, if you can figure out why you feel you need to hang on to so many things you can go from there and you will start to be able to let things go

  17. Hi, you should join the Compact. I joined in January and I am doing so well. Take a pledge to buy nothing new for one year. Get things you need from thrift stores, eBay, etc. Sell what you have on eBay. Give it to charity or list it on

  18. Go through all of the stuff you already own , if you havent used it in a year and don't expect to use it in a year donate it or recycle it.  And before you buy something go through the same guidlines, ask yourself if you really need it, can you borrow it and just don't go to the stores and when an ad comes on tv change the channel.

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