
I'm a pretty good surfer. Why cant I do well in contests?

by Guest61280  |  earlier

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I'm a pretty good surfer. Why cant I do well in contests?




  1. the people you are up against are probably better. I'm sure you are a good surfer, but sometimes you have to be better than good to do well in competitions.

  2. There's a story about someone who was singing the blues about not having any shoes to wear, until he ran into a double amputee.

    Heck, nature has blessed you with good surfing ability.  Some people are poor surfers and some people can't even surf - like me.  

    But guess what?  As a sport nut, and one of my favourite aquatic sports, I get the h**l out of looking at it on TV - and I ain't even complaining.

    Maybe nature smiled on you in this way, for your own unique individual development.  The 'Why can't I do well in contests?', is an ego thing, and really has absolutely nothing to do with the real you.

    Why do you sell yourself short?  The real you doesn't need contests for its evolution.

    If you free yourself from attachment to contests, you'll have freed yourself in mind, body and spirit from the destructive energy of the ego, imprisoning the real you.

    You can achieve this, by approaching your sport with sincerity of purpose.  

    Do so, and you'll soar like an eagle in your sport, as the vibes you'll be giving off THEN, will be in sync, yes in complete harmony with universal/natural law.



  3. sweet..wanna teach me how to surf??? i could use a friend also...i think it'd be cool to have a friend who me...and if ur really good, try working even harder during the contests than when ur practicing and give it ur

  4. I am sure you are good but you must not let your nerves get the best of you. Try practicing with a packed beach and pretend that they are all there to see you win! Maybe that will help and Good Luck! surfing should never be that stressful!

  5. Well, all the people there and the thought of competeing (im half forgive me for my spelling), can make you nervous. I know whenever I am playing a game, sometimes the spectators get me nervous. Especially the mom's and dad's who force their kids to play. But just think of it as your practicing with some friends, and your [and their] families are watching.

  6. That’s a good question. The problem is that surfing is first an art and second a sport, so you may be creative and inspired when allowed to freely express yourself, but stiffen up when limits are put upon your surfing.  The easy answer is that some people love the pressure of competition. Some fold under its weight.

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