
I'm a "twinkie" of Korean background and...?

by Guest33703  |  earlier

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sadly, I've NEVER in my life dated a Korean girl or any asian girl at all...even though I've always wanted to.

But now it's time I give it shot even though it's literally been years since I've dated -_-

So this brings up my question... do Korean girls have extremely high standards? My cousin told me that nowadays they do which is pretty discouraging. What do you guys think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Haha.  You don't have to worry. I know how you feel.  I'm a Korean girl who lived in America her whole life yet I get called a twinkie. ^^"''  But I really don't even know how to speak Korean well.  I have a funny accent. And I get told by my cousins that Korean boys like girls who can talk properly... TT______TT but korean girls have high standards but its not really those impossible guy!! ^_^ they just want a guy that makes them feel safe, someone lovable, can make them laugh, etc.  They are like every other girl!! But talk to them first if they don't talk to you ^_^ Some are shy and can feel intimidated if the korean girls see you never dated an asian.

    good luck! i hope i helped!

  2. Im a korean girl and a twinkie!!

    [ i have only dated white dudes ]

    I don't have very high standards.

    I feel so much more comfortable around korean guys.

    I just haven't been able to find one that I can communicate with- most of the ones I know are fresh of the boat.

    answer mine please!!;...

  3. I'm korean, well I'm sorta in between twinkie and fob. xD

    I've gone out with korean guys as well as some others.

    Eh some girls have high standards and others dont.

    Dont worry, and go for it, dont be discouraged, it doesnt really help when you're out looking for a date. lol

    Good luck!

  4. haha i'm a twinkie too and the only girls at my church who have really high standards are the ones who think really highly of themselves, which can get really annoying. i wouldn't consider my standards high and one of my friends who dates a lot of guys has pretty average standards, though she goes for the muscles. most of the korean girls at my church like the funny and silly guys, not the jock who spends half his time at the gym. just be yourself =]

  5. Hmh, haha, I'm a bit of a twinkie myself. ^0^ Korean girls in America don't really have high standards in my opinion, but you gotta remember that there are factors. Such as: parents, how they grew up, religion, culture barrier, location, etc, etc, etc~ A lot of Korean parents are very strict especially when it comes to dating! >.< Although, I don't think that my parents are since I was raised independently. Anyway, I think that before you date the girl, you should consider those factors before you actually ask her if you don't want to have a hard time. Be friends with her first, I suppose. ^^ She might have standards because of the way she was raised...she expects perfection 'cause of her parents. Oh and don't feel bad! I haven't gone on a date once. XD But that was just a personal decision. Well, I'll stop here, before I type answer that looks like an essay. Good luck! ^^

  6. Im korean but Im not a twinkie. I been around asians and mostly koreans all my life. Most korean girls dont have high standards. Some prefer to marry out but others or most of them tend to marry other korean guys.

    Its easy to tell which are korean american and which is straight from korea.

    The ones from korea tend to be picky because their parents has to approve who the daughter marries.

  7. dude im sort of a twinkie myself although i dont really like catagorizing myself but ive lived half my life in korea and half in the US

    but anyways

    my answer is that everyone is different

    there are girls that have high standards and there are girls that doesnt

    but the korean girls that have lived in korea for a majority of their life time, tend to be alot more confortable dating asians so just chill out and ask her out

    girls are girls

    doesnt matter of their ethnical background really

    like i said it all depends on what kind of person they are

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