
I'm a raiders fan and i have been faithful to the team for so long?

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now i have watched some of their pre-season games and they look pretty bad again. is there any real hope of a winning season with this headcoach and with al davis still heading the team down this road of losing? i'm so depressed when i watch them these days but like i said, i am a fan from years ago.




  1. If you were to ask me, I say they will begin to gel in two or so seasons, and then in 3-4 they MIGHT, MIGHT become playoff contenders.

    Keep faith in your team, I know its hard xD

    (Falcons fan)

  2. As a Steeler fan, it is hard for me to answer but I will, haha. IMO, the Raiders have a lot of young talent and will improve. It is hard to say for sure, but I could see you guys winning 7 games this year and improving big time.

  3. Uhm Well I Think They Are Going To Do Great In The Future With McFadden And Jamarcus Russel But That May Take A Couple Years For Them Both To Hit A Spot Where They Are Confident On The Field, And I Think They Need To Pick Up A Couple Of Recivers B4 U Count On Them Gettin Into The Playoffs, And Such.

  4. Nope aslong as Al Davis is their he will be making idiot choices choosing guys with bad character and basing his decesion of watching one game of them. I think with J Russel and McFadden they might have a chance at having a decent run, J Russel is still a rookie since he didn't play at all last season. Sadly, i think it will take a couple years for Russel to progress and they're defense isn't that great.

  5. I was born a Raider Fan. This is just pre-season. When I saw the score this last weekend against Arizona I got depressed, but my husband watched the whole game. The game was on TV after it was over. I saw the score and went to bed. turns out that Arizona couldn't score against our 1st string only when we put the 2nd or 3rd string in. Right now THe Raiders are rebuilding but we are going to do better this season and we will be a playoff contender within 2 years.  You say you are a fan from years ago. I know it hurts but just remember win or lose RAIDER NATION always comes back.

  6. just do what real raider fans do nowadays

    root for the other team to lose - not for the raiders to win

    get it?

    they made a few bad big dollar signings that will hurt them for quite a few years to come....

  7. As long as Al "Where are my Depends?" Davis is still kicking, the Raiders will suck.  The old man needs to hang it up.  He thinks it's 1963 and Daryl Lamonica is still suiting up.

  8. There's talent on the Raiders team but it's consistency in coaching philosophy and just plain TIME that Oakland needs. Al Davis thinks he can just have Top 10 picks for a decade and switch coaches at will and win. It doesn't work that way in pro football.

    The players need a coach they respect and trust, a system that they want to execute and an owner whose willing to sweat their rough patches. Instead, every year when they lose 10 or more games with a brand new coach that no one has ever heard of, it's "Al Davis is looking for an EXPLOSIVE offensive weapon to replace  __insert name here___".

    Until Davis gets a new perspective (unlikely) or is not in control of the Raiders (which will probably happen with his death), there will be some tough seasons. Especially with San Diego's young but talented team and even KC looking decent in the next 3 years.

  9. They made some additions. Some are upgrades, some are not. Either way, Davis still operates that team like he's trying to run it into the ground. When he gives players like Javon "Cry Baby" Walker a 50 million dollar contract, you know he's still slipping.

    Oakland will likely finish at the bottom of the AFC West again this year.

  10. Pre-season doesn't mean anything.with the additions of deangelo hall and gibril wilson they have a top five secondary and on offence javon walker and d-mac i wouldn't give up on them just yet i think they are gonna suprise alot of people this year

  11. They got a bright future with mcfadden and russell and they got a good defense.  

  12. Big mistake rooting for the stinkin Raiders

  13. who is that in the pic?

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