
I'm a registered Democrat and I'll cross the party line this time to vote for McCain. Who is with me ?

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McCain might be a Republican, but at least I know he's a true patriot and a man of his words.




  1. First off, you don't have to be a Republican or Independent for vote for McCain in the general election... that's only for states with closed primaries (in response to what someone else said).

    I'm an independent, and although I don't support a candidate yet, I do see how McCain appeals to moderates and independents. His dedication to reintroducing ethical values in Congress is admirable, as is his approach to international affairs, especially in places like Sudan.

  2. not me

  3. Democrat here....crossing the line going for the lessor of two evils.

  4. Not me.

  5. Go for it!

  6. Not me, that's for sure.  I think that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama aren't fundamentally different when it comes to policy and a vote for McCain will be a vote AGAINST everything that Senator Clinton stands for.  Why would you support her and then support her ultimate opponent just because she didn't get the nomination?  If it is because of anger, then that's not a good reason - you need to think seriously about this.

  7. A vote for McCain is a vote for WW III.

    No, I vote for Obama.

  8. Nothing wrong with conservative or "Reagan democrats" crossing over to the GOP.

  9. That's a no.  Traitor..

    E tu Brutus?

  10. By the way, you will have to register as a Republican or an Independent if you wish to do that.

  11. Sorry, but I feel that Obama was the wrong choice for the demi's, but McCain would be worse for us than Obama. My reason? Because I'm a poor democrat who needs a democrat  in office so that my husband can keep a roof over our head. Thanks to the republicans we have been out of work for five months. It's not about who is telling the truth, who's lieing, it's about a paycheck for me. We are high rise construction folk and the republicans have almost put us under.....Sorry....staying democrat

  12. It is nice to see people like you willing to vote because of the way you feel instead of voting a certain way just because you belong to a certain party. This takes courage and commitment no mater what side you are on.

  13. So, are you simply voting for McCain because he spent time as a POW?  Because that has to be one of the most asinine things I've ever heard in my life.

  14. Hopefully, there aren't a lot of you knukleheads.

    Obama 08*

  15. nope.

  16. no one

  17. mo one cares who you vote for.

  18. I'm with you. I would have voted for Hillary, but there is no way I will ever vote for Obama. He is too  far left and changes his mind as often as most people change underwear.

  19. right on!

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