
I'm a senior in high school and wanted to know whats a good high school prank to do but nothing thats illegal?

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i would like if a police officer or someone of that stature could tell me how far a person could go so i don't go and s***w up and be un able to graduate or anything like that. i'm a good student with decent grades and just want to do something funny with no great consiquences




  1. if its legal, its no me

  2. I'm no police officer, but I know that at my school at least, pranks are dealt with very harshly.  My school is new and does not yet have seniors, but the junior class has had multiple people suspended for a long period of time.  If i was you, i would not do it, its not worth taking the chance.

  3. go fishing and save some of the fish you catch. one day when one of the classrooms are empty... preferably one you dont have to be around. Stand on top of a desk and lift the tile up just a bit to place fish up there. Place a few where you can, and on each fish write CLASS OF _ _ , and it'll stink everything up by monday.  

    Message me if you want more ideas, we did so much stuff back in 2005. I dont want to type all on here.

  4. My friends put cellophane on all the doors before school started. It was pretty funny, all the kids walked into it and everything.

    Another thing - that's a little more horrible, I guess is to let mice run free in the gym/assembly room. Or grease the hallway floors.

    Have fun!

  5. If you have any sort of fountain in or around your school's campus a common prank is to either put soap into the fountain to produce obscene amounts of bubbles or to put dye into the fountain!

    WARNING: This will require maintenance to fix and isn't exactly legal in every sense... but pretty innocent.  

  6. That would really depend on how laid-back your Principal is. For our senior prank we worked with the janitor and a few teachers to get a port-a-potty into the principal's office; while this probably would have been a huge disaster with other schools in the district, the principal actually found it to be humorous.  

  7. My school was four stories. The best prank I saw was someone threw 200-300 hot dogs coated in mayonnaise and stuffed in condoms down the main stairwell.  It was hilarious.  

  8. Well, I'll give you two examples of Senior Pranks:

    Two years ago, the seniors were all in the auditorium listening to the principal speak and they got somebody to play the sound of a woman orgasming very loud through the speakers.  The principal found this funny, nobody was hurt, and everybody remembered it.

    However, last year the people decided to have a water balloon fight in the middle of the hallways between classes.  This ended up with innocent people getting drenched, countless broken balloons all over the halls, and the floors were slippery and dangerous.  The principal got VERY angry about this and it almost led to people not being able to walk at graduation.

    As long as everybody is safe and it doesn't cost anybody too much money to fix, I'm sure you'll be fine.

  9. try to tell jokes dude

  10. Hide all the board rubbers. Was done in my old school, within a week no teacher had a board rubber and we delivered them in a box when no one was looking to outside the staff room  

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