
I'm a senior in high school who's stressing out!?

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What with the SAT in a couple of months, college applications, advanced math, and at least six extra curricular activities, I feel like I'm stressed all the time.

Sometimes I feel SO overwhelmed that I don't feel like doing anything. It's like I just panic and freeze. Most teenagers get excited about leaving home and heading to college, but I'm scared.

My mom's always talking about college and what I need to do to get ready. I know she doesn't mean to, but it really annoys and worries me when she constantly brings it up. I feel like my life is ending when I know it's really just beginning.

I feel like a wimp for being so scared and stressed. Am I the only kid who feel like this?




  1. Dude, it's normal. I'm a senior too (or will be this Tuesday), and I feel what you're going through. I think you should politely but firmly tell your mom that she's not helping matters, and make time to relax. Do you have a calendar? Like, the large kind where you can write in the boxes? Write down all the dates/things you need to know for the whole year, and then proceed to deal with those things month by month. Try breaking everything into smaller bits.

  2. Nope, you're not alone. The country is crawling with kids like this, and it's awful! I guess once you get to college, you can let up on the stress a little, like not taking so many extra curricular activities, but the studying is pretty time-consuming. There should be some fun in all this. After all, you don't even know if you have tomorrow. You can work hard while enjoying the only life you're given--and that's today. Be careful you don't miss it altogether.

  3. I'm a senior too (yea 09!!!) and I think that all of us are stressed and scared. but you can't dwell on all of the pressure. take everything one step at a time, get as much advice as you can from your friends who were seniors last year, counselors, and older siblings/cousins. we all have to go through this crazy process. i for one am nervous about it all and i know its gonna be a lot of work but I'm determined to make this year rock!!! and you should too

  4. im only going to be a junior this year, but i can imagine how much stress your under.

    just take a deep breath and know that everything will be okay. =]

    and tell your mom to please take it down a notch or two, tell her your doing the best you can and you dont want all the added pressure from her. she'll understand.  

  5. no i think every high school student get stressed..

    but if you need help with SAT you should take test masters!!!!

    its a big help!!!!

    put this code in if you want to register and get $25 off the course- 3889994182

    the course reallyyyyy helps i took it also and it really improved my SAT score.... GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. Hey listen, you can only handle so much pressure at a time, take it one thing at a time, and remember to breathe.

    If you need to cut some extra curricular activities in order to release pressure, then DO IT, only focus on the ones that make you feel more focused and centered.  Even if that means giving up some tough ones and keeping the ones that help you relax, or are for fun.

    12 months flies by really fast when you are on your own and making ends meet.  For you, that is making grades and getting on to step 2 and 3.

    Just remember all this pressure now will enable you for an easier after college life.  

    In the moments of pressure is when you can go forward or turn back, many people will be pushing you forward faster than your feet feel comfortable carrying you.

    When it gets scary, be strong, take breaks when you need to, but be strong, and know that your life IS just beginning.  You are standing on a springboard bouncing steadily, just keep your balance, and jump when you know it's right.

    Again, remember to breathe, all us old people are counting on the youth to come through in a well-rounded (not stressed) way to take this nation to a new level. There is Nothing wimpy about that!! Stay strong sweety.

  7. I feel the same way. I am a senior too. College and moving out scare me despite the fact that I want to leave. It's like two little voices nagging at me to get over it and at the same time to accept my fears. The best thing I can tell you and myself is to let things happen when they happen. Don't feel stressed if someone is moving forward and you feel that you are not, you will. Take life as it comes, apply for college when YOU  are ready, take the SAT's when YOU are ready, not because someone else is nagging you. As for your mom talking about it constantly, tell her that you don't want to talk about it right now and when you are ready to talk you will tell her. Good luck.  

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