
I'm a shy do I make friends at a frat party?

by  |  earlier

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I was invited to go to a frat party by my roommate & her boyfriend (whom I don't even know very well at all) and I want to know how I should 'make friends' and feel comfortable in an entire room of strangers. I want to network and get to know new people but I'm not sure if this is the right way...especially since the party is far away from my dorm and there's the possibly that I could get stranded by my roommate.






  1. try really hard not to be shy on them

  2. Just relax and have fun! Be friendly and everything will be Ok!


  3. this is a great way to meet friends! just talk to them and see how much you have in common.  

  4. I used to have a friend in college who was great at this. What he would do is going to the party and when he was introduced to a person he would immediately use their name. So John what is your major (what ever) but he was very good at remembering names. So when someone else would come along he would then introduce the person he just met to the new person he just met. After a while he would be introducing everyone. He'd walk by use their name. Before long he knew everyones name and people suddenly would want to know him simply because everyone though he was this super popular guy. But in the reality he had just met most of these people they just didn't know it.

  5. im really shy to

    people intimidate me just try and make small tlk

  6. If your room mate is inviting you somewhere, she is putting an effort into getting to know you. Take a chance, im not saying get wasted off your *** or even to drink for that matter, but you could be missing out on meeting new people or bondind with your room mate every time you say no.

    Just have a smile on your face and be welcoming to new things. If you get stranded, politely find your room mate and say hey im thinking of heading back to the dorm do you wanna come and maybe we can have a midnight snack and get to know eachother alittle better?

    people arent as scary as they look, just say hi to the first person you see at this party and who knwos what will happen!

  7. I WANT TOO NET-WORK  haah if your suck w/ a bunch of people rember that your not the only one in the room ... and mostly niether are you  as you said network  cheez got to go face too face and hold convos w/ some not all  ithink the only networking that you have done is at a drive throuhg at mc donnalds  so get out of the car and interact w/ your peers and dont drink too much or you willl be a major network prob 2 yourseilf have fun and be ur seilf yea  cul ROC  

  8. i know it may sound bad, but just have a couple drinks to loosen up, but not too many because you don't want to make an idiot out of yourself. but honestly, i probably wouldn't even go if i were you with the possibility of getting stranded.  

  9. Umm,,

    you just go crazy and drink drink drink//

  10. well , stay calm and think positive about it ok everything will be great ok so walk to anyone and introduce yourself and talk ok

    who cares what others think or say ok stay calm  

  11. LOL if its a frat party like I remember the parties at Sigma chi.  You will not make any friends unless you get drunk and have s*x.. ITS A FRAT PARTY.. Not an ice cream social.

  12. get a note of the street name, your dorm room number, and other things that might help you get back. talk to people in frat party, as brief as you like, when had enough, go home, in a taxi providing you have enough cash.

    with the note if you are drunk, tell the driver what street and what number, then walk to your dorm room and sleep.

    atleast you were there.

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