
I'm a single woman considering adopting a child. How do you get started?

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I am a 30 year old single woman. I have never given birth to children of my own. I know that I am still young enough to have children and still hope to become pregnant one day, but I feel like there are children that need a loving home. I don't know how or where to begin. Age is not an issue.

I also heard that it is more difficult for single people to adopt. Is that true? What do they look for in an adoptive parent?




  1. you can come out a lot cheaper going through DSS. or talk with some adoption agencies near you and get a home study done. the agency should do that. but if you contact the agency they will tell you all the steps you need to take. good luck

  2. I'd advise that you begin with seeking out the experiences of those who have lived adoption as adoptees and parents who surrended. Adoption presents different issues than parenting your own children. Nancy Verrier is an adoptive mom who raised an adoptive and a bio daughter. She wrote an amazing book and articulated the loss of an adoptee very well.

    Learn about the incentives that fostor agencies recieve for increasing the number of adoptions they handle each year. Adoption quotas to quailify for bouneses is very much like putting a bounty on children and endangers families of lesser means.

    Listen to The Adoption Show - a web based radio program for some insights.

  3. When we were in training to become Foster/Adoptive Parents there were several single people in the class.  I don't know the specifics, but I certainly know it is possible.

    Contact your local/state government agency responsible for foster care and child services.  They will be able to tell you how the system works.  Frankly, there is such a shortage of adoptive and foster parents that I would surprised if you wouldn't be able to adopt (assuming you can show you would be able to provide a supportive and stable home).

  4. You need to first become familiar with your adoption laws in your state. Find a known adoption agency. Here is a site that had the answers to all you questions.

    As for the single parent thing, you can still adopt being single as long as you have the income and meet the criterias for adoptions. But go to this it will help you out alot.

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