
I'm a social outcast--I need quick advice?

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Hi. Thanks for considering my question. I am a 13 yr. old guy--and I have a BIG problem. You see, I'm a little mischievous, so I usually get in trouble for little stuff like disrespecting authority, etc. [Yes, I'm in Camp.] Now, there's this kid, Gabriel-- who is the most ANNOYING child who you can think of, and his assistant Alain, whose the second most annoying.

Today, it was probably a half an hour ago, Gabriel followed me around-- along with my friends, and my girlfriend. My girlfriend's one of those hug-every-little-kid-in-the-world kind of girl. So, anyway Gabriel's bothering me to death so I just pretend to kick him, like to make him flinch. He throws himself across the room, and holds his genitals as if I really kicked him. Everyone in my little group looked back and saw me staring at him, in disbelief. A counselor looks back and she puts us both in trouble but only hears him out. It's like she hates me. I think she's a nice person...but sometimes..


What do I do?




  1. I hated camp when I was a kid.

    I'm 35 now but when I was in camp I was also the outcast.

    They all seemed to get what was going on instinctively

    as if they where all born for the very perpose of doing the

    camp activities.

    I on the other hand had no idea what was going on and didn't really want to.I was only 9 years old.

    I had this Mickey mouse doll that was my favorite toy and one

    day when I was out of the cabin the other kids tore off it's head and threw it in the toilet and threw the body on the roof.

    That's when I knew that I was alone in this world.

    This time your having will pass.It seems to take fockin forever

    and all of the petty social distractions that you go through now will also pass.

    When your older the hours will pass like minutes and the days will pass like hours until one day you will look back

    on what you have go through today with a foggy memory

    of the times gone by and wish that just for a few hours you

    could be that kid again.

    In the mean time I wish you the best of luck!

  2. Just tell the truth......if will set you free......and you will feel a lot better.

    Learn from this experience and don't fool around with Gabriel.

    Maybe Gabriel wants to be your friend.....give him a chance......he might not be that annoying....after all.

    I am assuming he is younger than you.......he probably wants to be like you....................teach him some good stuff.

  3. I'm a teacher and like, everyone has a rep. People expect you to act like your reputation because that's what they expect of you.

    I think its important to know that they did not create the rep, you did. My advice to you is that you need to deal with what you've created and live with it for now. If you want people to think of you in a different way, then its up to you, over time to change your rep. Its not an overnight thing.

    You're not going to like this, but my thoughts are to tell you, "don't go whining because people accuse you of acting mischievous", you've created that reality in them. Change it!

  4. I've been there and the best advice I can give is not worry about what other people think of you. I know that's a tired old line but just try it. as for your current predicament the counselor might not like you but it doesn't matter. Just avoid her and watch what you do. As for Gabriel ignore him but if he's a real problem and I mean physically threatening you get him alone and deal with it.

  5. I have been implicated in false lies towards myself many times in my life. One time I broke up a fight of two kids and the one kid made it as if I hurt him. Then I was the one they blamed.

    All you can do is tell the truth and really developing your relationship with God can help. But the thing is you have to also develop your self so you are not such a rascal, otherwise people will think you are the one who did it most of the time. Because sometimes you are the one who did the misdeed. So you could also consider you are getting your bad Karma for your past actions. Karma means good or bad reactions for ones actions.  I hope this helps.

    Read The Science of Self Realization by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada

    Helps one attain their highest, true self and real happiness.

    Gauranga! (gore-runga)-Universal Greeting. -  May the greatest good and highest joy be yours!

  6. make fun of it and try to act like u didnt want to hurt him. or tell the counselors that he was doing whatever he was doin or if he was just faking

  7. chill... don't focus on it.. don't bring it up.. don't retaliate.. just let go and move on.

  8. first of all dnt worry ur not a social outcast ur just over reacting

    but just tell everyone the truth and then they will believe you,

    dont be really protective about it just be confident bout it but not cocky

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