
I'm a sparrow lover.Why do they roll around in the dirt in the summer? Is it a form of bathing or cooling- off

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I'm a sparrow lover.Why do they roll around in the dirt in the summer? Is it a form of bathing or cooling- off




  1. Both.

  2. Probably both but don't they splash in bird baths to get clean?Many people hate sparrows but they are mentioned in the bible!God says that a sparrow doesn't fall without him knowing it...If he cares for them shouldn't we?

  3. It's the same way Chinchillas need their sand bath. To remove oils and parasites. When sparrows preen, they collect oil from a gland in their tail and spread it around its feathers to keep it in good condition. They sandbath to remove this oil after some time and then lubricate its feathers with new oil. This keeps their feathers in tip top condition

  4. It's dust, not dirt.They make a depression in a dusty piece of ground and have a "dry bath" -  the tiny grains of dust get between their feathers and the violent shaking when they fluff their feathers out dislodges the tiny mites that are lodged in the roots of the feathers.

    They sure look cute doing it!

  5. they use it as a way to get fleas and ticks off, so I guess a form of bathing.

  6. It helps them control mites.

  7. It helps control mites, fleas, ticks, and many other pests. Almost all birds roll in the dust.

  8. yes it's a type of bathing.

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