
I'm a struggling college student looking to get ahead in life. Suggestions, tips, and contributions please.?

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I'm a UC Davis Engineering student who failed to get many scholarships... none in fact. Being a middle class, average white mail, it is difficult to secure any sort of financial aid. Does anyone have any answers...? I don't know how to pay for college without becoming bogged down with debt. If anyone would like to contribute apart from helpful answers please let me know and i will contact you. Thank you for your time.




  1. Step 1: be innovative enough to think up your own solution. Get off the beaten path and find a way to make yourself stand out.

    Step 2: Don't you dare cry white/middle class. There are plenty of scholarships and bursaries out there for you. You just have to find them. Note: Bursaries are easier to get than scholarships because often, there are fewer applicants. That being said, if you put some effort into your school and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher (trust me, it's not hard), you're almost guaranteed a little something from your university.  

  2. A few tips....   One is find a passion and be good at it.  Another, be resourceful - your idea of asking for contributions is good, be assertive and keep asking!  Someone will say "yes", but you will get a lot of "nos" along the way.

    One point...check your spelling.  Nothing is a bigger turn off than basic spelling errors.  Like "mail" for "male".  Spelling still counts.

  3. I totally know how you feel. Middle-class white male here too! Well, since you are white, look for scholarships from your heritage countries. For example, I got 1,000 for having German ancestors! Just look in low places, it will help!  

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