
I'm a teen and I'm thinking of adopting from china?

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im a teen and im thinking of adoting from china and wut college's i want to go to and who i want to marry and were we will live and when we adopit and how may kids we will have is this normal




  1. I think you may know what you want in life.. as long as you set goals to achieve them.. Go to college , get married, then if all is well.. adopt your baby from china.

  2. You need to grow up first

  3. As a teen I also wanted the same thing...I am now 36, have a biological daughter with my husband and an adopted daughter from China...Both of my children have made mine and my husband's life complete...Get your education, get married, then if you still feel the same way, definitely go ahead with what you want...

  4. I'm a teenager too, but you really are just too young to take on such a responsibility. Get an education, go to college, be stable financially, and THEN think of adopting.

  5. It is good to have dreams and to think about the future, but don't worry too much about it. You're still young and you have a lot of life ahead of you. Embrace everyday, and don't be anxious about the future. After you go to college, get marry and are financially stable enough to adopt, then go for it. But it is good that you and your boyfriend? are talking about these issues now., especially because they appear to be important to you. Just remember you are very young, college changes a lot and live in the present not the future.

    Hope things work out!

  6. Live your life as it goes, don't make too much plans until you're there

  7. dont do it!!! from pippathecatt

  8. There is nothing wrong with thinking of adopting a child ( in the future)  But you need to concentrate on high school, college and being a kid.  Don't worry so much about who you will marry, where you will live, how many kids.  It is ok to dream; but don't dwell on it.  If you don't finish high school and get a college education, you won't go far in this world anymore.  Concentrate on you grades, scholarships and enjoy you life!

  9. i feel just like you that is what I want more than any thing in the world try to get an education first though

  10. No Angelina Jolie depending on what order how about go to college finish find a husband then talk about kids and where you want to live but you can dream about whatever you want

  11. Its normal to think about these things, just try to focus on one thing at a time, like your education. You're only a teenager, and you still have a long life ahead of you. Try to focus on school and what college you want to go to and your degree. The rest will fall into place. Good luck!

  12. It is normal to think about your future, and important that you do so.  For instance, you need to determine what you want to study in college so that you can choose the one that is most appropriate for your needs.  The choices you make now will effect the rest of your life.

    However, do not focus too much on the future-there is a lot you need to concentrate on NOW, such as those colleges.  You can not really determine yet who you will marry or where you will live.  You can make excellent grades so you can get into the college of your choice, etc.  

    There is nothing wrong with dreaming of your future family, just know that those are things you can not control.  However, I did start thinking about adopting from China when I was a teenager and now I am nearly 30 years old and we are planning to start the process as soon as we are able (they require both parents to be 30, and I will not be until next summer).

    You sound like a very smart young person and I wish you the best in life.  More teenagers should think long term, instead of focusing on the here and now.  At the same time, just be sure that you make the most of these years as they are very important also.

  13. you need to focus on getting yourself an education. it is normal to be excited about your future but you may be wise and realize that you need to build a strong foundation before you adopt or have any kids, and get married.

  14. It's normal to think 'ahead'.  Just remember, there are SO many curves in the road to getting there that you just need to focus on the current. Graduate from school (focus hard on this), focus on what college you want to go to.  Those two things are the most important aspects of your life at the moment.  Once you get those two things out of the way, then you focus on a marriage (if you get married in college...fine, it'll just be a bit more difficult).  Once you have been married for a bit, start saving up for adoption because it's going to cost a pretty penny.  China has changed many of it's rules and who knows where that will lead over the next few years.

    Basically, focus on today until you get to the tomorrow.

  15. Yes this is normal this is definetly something to think about, fun and exciting to think about. I think you have some great ambitions, dreams and ideas of your future. With a little hard work and education you will one day have everything you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Exiciting!!! But 1 suggestions i want to make, is that you don't necassarly need to adopt from another country, my mother adopted my 2 sisters! But during this adoption process I learned alot about the number of children just in the state that I live that need a home. I think you should consider helping a child from your country or state. Many children all over need homes!!! You have great dreams and i hope everything you want comes true for you!

  16. yes its normal and yes your thoughts of who you will marry and how many kids ect will change many times as you mature

  17. Do you really need our help?

  18. Sweetie That is wonderful I have 3 adopted children! But i think you should wait until you finish school including College!! So if you have  good grades be somebody you want to be save up ALOT of money then go Ahead! Good luck and God bless

  19. Yes thinking about what you will do as an adult when you are a teen is very normal.  However if it is taking over all your thoughts and you can't concentrate on just being teen and all that involves like school, friends, dating, etc., then you should talk to someone (a parent, a teacher, an adult friend)  you trust about your thoughts.

  20. It is refreshing to hear of a teenager who is thinking of the future in a positive light, however u should take things slowly, take 1 step at a time. First get an education to ensure that you'll have a career to support that child u want to adopt and if u meet that special someone on the way to attaining these goals so be it.

         Keep being positive and God Bless

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