
I'm a teen girl and my bedroom still has a loft in it. :( I'm going to redo the room but I need some ideas. ?

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I like bright colors and sports and random shapes.




  1.   orange, yellow and green,make stencles, cut out shapes paint them in ,use bold color for main wall, have fun with the colors and shapes ,you can also go to ikea and target to buy cut-out shapes and put on the wall ,they are prestick shapes.,get books and look in to find ideas,look in sundamagazineses and look at sales papers ,see how bedrooms are set up

  2. u mean a loft bed, or little step into a different part of the room kinda thing?

    what all can you do?

    if you can paint, choose ur favorite color, or find a new bedspread u really really like and paint the walls a minor color in them that u like.

    then take some paper, the stuff made to go on walls so it doens't fade or anything, and cut out random shapes and hang around. you can eve use these as picture frames if u want.

    for furnisure, what do u have and are u getting new stuff?

    if ur getting new stuff, try ikea for some good ideas. their stuff is cheap, in both price and quality, so u may just wnat to get ideas from them, then look elsewhere for a better quality grade, unless it's just temporary, like if ur 16, u'll be gone in a few years anyway, so i'd say it's fine.

    you could make a giant collage of all ur friends and intrests and hang that up. and don't forget posters. and look around, like target or walmart, and maybe get a few beanbag chairs. just be careful with floor space. they don't take up too much room, and their easy to move around, which is why i like them mroe than like regular say butterfly chairs, though those are awesome too.

    and u need to be able to keep things cleaned and organized, so look for storage systems and stuff to help with that. they really come in handy, and hang up shelves too.

    have fun wiht it. ^_^

  3. Paint it a nice golden yellow and use deep reds and purples on things like pillows and bedding. Its a theme that I really love.

    Check out for ideas :D

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