
I'm a teen... unsure if I have anxiety?

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I'm a teenage girl (15), and recently I've been freaking out over the slightest things. Now, please hear me out before you answer! I know that "teens are emotional wrecks" and "it's because of puberty" but honestly, I'm not too sure. I just haven't felt myself for MONTHS now. I haven't slept at all, ate at all, or been able to concentrate. After the little amount of sleep I get at night, I wake up feeling refreshed and wonderful... but then everything crashes. I've spoken to my mom but she's ignoring me and we simply can't afford going back to the doctor. She thinks I'm being a normal teen but honestly... I know this is different. I think it's tied into my ADHD (I was diagnosed at a very young age, but nothing's affected me until now) but I'm unsure.

Is there any websites that specializes in help for a teen? NOT adult or kid?

(and if anyone can give me help on if this is tied into ADHD or anxiety that'd be great)


xoxo Kokila




  1. lol i just read an article about anxiety. you might be able to have depression if you haven't been sleeping for full 8 hours. i think you should try to get a job so you will be able to afford the doctor (that is if you are 15 or 16 or older). it might take a while, so i guess you should force yourself to look at things to do that might make you feel better. for me, i listen to my favorite singers.

    anxiety can go with depression, also, by the way.  

  2. hey!

    me too!


    i have had ADHD for a verry long time.

    i am 14.

    and i also have ADD and some social anxiety disorder.

    it drives me up the wall.

    sorry, i can't help you though.

    hope you get a good answer.

  3. you are a normal teenage girl!! my girlfriend gets

    anxiety as well and its just something you'l have

    to live through!! unfortunetely! but im a dude and

    i still get anxiety its just natural!!

  4. if you get so scared you start to shake and breath fast and your heart beats really fast and you just cant control how you feel, it's anxiety.  i couldn't sleep alone in my room for about a year. i felt this way and i just tried sleeping in my room now i can stay up all night if i want to without being scared

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