
I'm a teenage volunteer.......?

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How can I find gigs?

Any websites???




  1. ask around. im sure places like soupkitchen and animal shelters need all the help they can get. they wil prob give you an application.  

  2. Do seperate google searches for volunteer, teenage volunteer, community service, high school community service and you will come up with some websites and articles of what other kids have done.

    Volunteer ideas for teens -

    Library - Helping with reading programs, reading to little kids, shelving books

    Schools - Tutoring or reading to little kids, helping with after-school programs

    Food Pantry - Organizing food, handing out food, cleaning

    Hospital - candy striper, work in the gift shop, read to patients, stock nursing supplies, help nurse take patients for tests

    Senior Citizen Home - Be company to the elderly, read to them, help write letters, play games, entertain

    Churches - Feed the homeless, either at the facility or maybe they serve food in a park

    Community Center - tutoring, helping with after school camp, hanging out with elderly people (playing cards, games, etc)

    March for Babies (March of Dimes) or similar walks - Get sponsors to donate money for you to walk. Work at the event helping hand out water, etc.

    Salvation Army or other places that have services for the homeless - help serve food, clean up, hand out socks, etc.

    Museums, Aquariums - Office work, helping with handing out brochures and education, and many other opportunities depending on facility

    Parks - trash pick up, trail maintenance, planting, helping with educational programs

    Special Olympics - fundraising, sports training, office work

    Environmental Organizations - Help clean up beach, parks, etc, fundraising, lead hikes or walks

    Run a fundraiser at your school - Pennies for Patients, collect used books for an elementary school, sock drive to donate to Salvation Army (socks are very important for homeless people's health), foods for a local food pantry, baby items for a mom and baby homeless shelter. If you call the organizations and ask what they need, they will happily tell you. You can also ask if they need volunteers.

    Habitat for Humanity Youth Program - fundraising, education, advocacy, building homes if 16 yrs old

    Your school guidance counselor should be able to give you ideas of local organizations. Or run a google search on the type of organization you are looking for and give them a call and ask if they need any volunteers. All the people I call on this are very nice and grateful for the help. Check with your parents to make sure they approve. = )

    Have fun!

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