
I'm a temporary worker here in the US like h2b. Is there a chance for me to be resident here.?

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I'm a temporary worker here in the US like h2b. Is there a chance for me to be resident here.?




  1. Well, as noted, there is a chance, but not directly as a result of your H2b visa. H1b skilled worker visas can lead to permanent residency, but not H2b visas. So, you'd have to qualify in some other way. Since most immigrant visas are for close family of American citizens and permanent legal residents, you'd probably have to find a way to qualify for your own H1b, if you have the education and skill set required.

  2. If your US employer is willing to sponsor you for a  green card, Then they can apply for you using the H2 visa work visa but it is a difficult process.

    Good luck

  3. Yes, there's a chance, but not a good one.  Your employer will have to participate. Working with Department of Labor to certify there is a need for your talent here may be a bit difficult, but not impossible. A lot really depends on how much effort (and corporate resources) your employer wants to spend on your behalf.

    If it were me, I might not be so inclined- once you get your green card, you may not be economically dependent on the company that got you the green card. It might be simpler (and cheaper) for the employer to let your H2 expire, then locate another individual.  But it might also be worth the effort to retain a good employee who already knows the job. I can't say for sure from my perspective. Good luck!

  4. If you don't have an immediate family member already living in the US as a permanent resident or citizen, you can only become a resident (green card holder) if your employer successfully petitions for you in one of the employment-based categories.  Here they are, and how to qualify:

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