I'm a third yr. college student at a 4 year university, I was recently denied financial assiastance due to academic progress to finish out the year I paid for tution out of my pocket, but I don't think I'll be able to do it the for the fall semester, so I was browsing on the internet for options, for students who were denied for finacial assistance to seek alternative funding I don't know exactly what that is will I need my parents for this or is this something I can do myself I'm only 20 so if loans are involved I'll probably need a cosigner which will involve my parents I was just wondering if anyone could really explain to me what alternative funding is, I mean will I still have to pay for my college education out of pocket until my g.p.a is back in good standing I will add that I passed all 12 credits last semester but I still have a ways to go to build my g.p.a so the letter I received still says, I was just wondering if anyone could explain this to me before I call my school.