
I'm a vegan, but when I do the gardening I'm always slicing up worms and treading on squishy things.?

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Should I keep gardening if I'm killing half the garden every time I dig up the ground?




  1. worms survive if theyre cut in half. they have like 5 hearts, and it part of them gets torn off (yuck) it'll turn into 2 new worms. pretty cool, huh? (:

  2. no it is killing the environment and thats  bad

  3. If you have a master gardener's group where you are , you might get with one of them to consult on what you should do.

  4. i feel like it's natural process.  it's not like your growing the worms and using them for your own amusement and killing them off....

  5. worms have two hearts so if cut them up they'll survive. don't worry about it, when you're sick and you get better you kill the virus that was inside you. death is apart of the circle of life. keep gardening, and don't feel guilty!

  6. Well did you go vegan for health reasons or did you do it because you felt it was immoral?  Depends on your answer to that question.

  7. Well i'm vegan as well but I don't believe things like that count! I mean worms and stuff like that aren't intelligent beings like cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, and so on! Thats like I still kill flies when they're in my home but I don't worry about it much!

  8. I hate to be the one to put the kibosh on all the making you feel better with all the stuff about worms will survive being chopped in half because -- they won't. If you cut a worm in half, you get two halves of a dead worm. BUT -- you don't have to feel bad about the occasional worm or other creature that may accidentally die as you tend your garden, that's nature's way. You're a VEGAN and you are a GARDENER caring for plants! REJOICE and be happy for all the good you do for yourself and your Earth!

  9. hey worms are able to survive by fragmentation/ regeneration.  They have segmented bodies which means if you cut them up, they will grow as two separate worms. You are actually creating more worms. As for squishing them...YOU MONSTER!

  10. Worms and other things will always be there. You can't help wether you squish them or not. Eventually they will help make the soil in your garden have a higher level of nutrients.

  11. i am a vegan, and garden too!

    keep gardening..think about it!

    would you rather have worms that you cant see, or butterflies that float around your yard that are attracted to the flowers/vegetable blooms that you plant? not to mention hummingbirds!

  12. Keeping a garden is awesome and yes, you may kill some of the little creatures but it's really okay.  It's not intentional and as someone did say, earthworms regenerate if cut in half.  They're good for your garden and your garden is great for you AND the environment.

  13. No you should stay in your house and place a huge bubble around it. Then you should buy vitamin pills, protein pills, and other pills so you would not even have to harm the pretty, oxygen-giving vegetables and fruits.

    To the person who says its ok to kill worms and other "lower" lifeforms, give me a break. Worms do more for the environment than the cows do.

  14. Oh my, this is a case where you need to use your head instead of your heart. Earthworms can survive if cut, doing your own gardening is as close to sustainable as you can get, it's an invigorating and educational hobby and you're going to have the satisfaction of producing your own food. Believe me, both organic and traditionally farmed ground destroys alot more life than your home garden does.

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