
I'm a vegetarian, and i'm worried i'm getting sick?

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i've been a vegetarian for the past 6 months.

i have been fine, with no health problems.

i eat a lot of texured soy protein (or tvp/tsp) and i try to get as much protein and other stuff that i need.

but lately, even if i eat alot, i've been passing out. like, everything gets red, then it turns to black splotches, and then i'm on the floor.

my mom wants me to go to the docter and get a blood test.

is being a vegetarian hurting me? and what can i do to be healthier (without meat)

oh! and i don't drink milk or eat eggs, but still bread and other nonvegan foods.




  1. then you're not eating right.

    are you eating all your fresh produce such as this:

    if you are..  which you're not....  then start.

    a vegetarian diet a vegan diet... there's no missing elements.

    trust me on this.

    like with all diets.. eat right.     now start eating right.

    look at the site and you'll see that protein is in all things...    you don't have a protein issue.      matter of fact we get more protein than we need daily.

    even as a vegan or vegetarian.

  2. Do you have a lot of variety in your diet?  Do you get enough calories?  Get over the protein obsession.  As long as you eat enough calories, and they aren't mostly junk food, you're getting enough protein.

    If you're going to eat soy, eat tofu or tempeh; they're less processed than TVP.  And make sure it's organic!

    Your problems may not be related to your diet, but you absolutely should see a doctor soon.

  3. your body is being deprived of important vitamins and minerals, is there a substitute to meat which you can use to get those essential vitamins? Do you still eat fish, because that is very good for you

  4. Vegetarian/vegan diets can be healthy. It's not the fact your vegetarian it's probably that your not eating a variety and the right vegetarian foods.

    Deffintly see medical advice. You do need to see a doctor before you damage yourself to much. Take vitamins to help.

  5. If your not a troll your mom needs to get you to an emergency room NOW! You sound anorexic.

  6. Other nonvegan foods?  Other than eggs and milk there aren't any.  Bread isn't necessarily non-vegan...

    This question is a little trolly.  I think if you were really passing out that your Mother would have already taken you to the doctor.  

  7. go see your doc before too much damage is done  

  8. your gonna die of malnutrition.

  9. ok kid

    being vegeatarian is the most healthy thing ever trust me

    u just have to apply it right

    hint every morning eat a few tablespoons of peanuts mixed in a  blender or soemthing

    before breakfast like at least 15 mins

    that is an excellent iron source

    as well as black olives for instance

    calcium is to be found in sesame and raw spinach

    although eat bananas excellent source of protein

    and oranges vitamins c helps iron get assimilated by your body

    for any advice feel free to write to me


    source me luisa vegetarian for 3 years and former IAMALWAYSSICK

  10. It sounds like you're not consuming a variety of plant foods needed for nutrition. Colorful vegetables, especially greens are vital for health and nutrition.

    Nonetheless, I'd say pay your doctor a visit. You never know what you're getting yourself into if you don't take care of yourself first. Remember, any healthy person can still get sick. My blood samples returned perfect but I can still get sick from lack of sleep or stress, for example. It may not necessarily be related to nutrition.

    So, listen to your mom and get a checkup. You might also want to read more into vegetarian nutrition, such as "Becoming Vegetarian" or "Becoming vegan" written by expert nutritionists.

  11. It sounds like you're low in iron. I've been a vegetarian for about a year and a half, but luckily I haven't had any problems. Do some research about vegan/ vegetarian health and diets. The iron in meat is easily absorbed, but the iron that is from plant foods isn't absorbed as easily. So it's important that you get into good eating habits so that your body absorbs the iron that you do get! For example, Vitamin C allows iron to be better absorbed. So try having some fruit or orange juice with your cereal in the morning (except you don't drink milk...). Look at sites like or There is some really worthwhile information. It's important to be well-informed, because being a vegetarian is a really great thing to do, but you can't do it simply by removing meat from your diet. You wouldn't want such a great decision ruin your health, so do it properly!  

  12. go to the doctor and get the blood test. could be related but since you've been one 6 months with no problems i highly doubt it.  

  13. I don't know exactly what's wrong with you, and I wouldn't second guess. From what I can infer, you're low in iron, but don't take that as a diagnosis, check it out yourself with your GP or something.

    What I can say is that there's nothing wrong with a vegetarian/vegan diet. It can be perfectly healthy, provided you eat right - just like all diets.

    Here's a link to the Vegan Society's pages on nutrition. On it you'll find an overview with links to specific nutrients and minerals.

    If you are low on iron, try eating some of the following:




    chick peas

    wholemeal bread

    sesame seeds/tahini

    blackstrap molasses



    They're all pretty high in iron. If you don't start feeling better, then I'd definitely recommend you see a doctor. It doesn't even have to be your diet, it could be anything.

    I hope that helps!


  14. Go see doctor and find out if you have B12 deficiency and anemia problem

  15. Hi I have been a vegan for eight years now. I didn't do it all over night. I think if you can bare it, you should put the eggs back on your plate. I don't think vegans are lacking eggs, just that it's hard to put together the whole diet right off.

    There are debates about if soy is good for you or not. Fermented soy seems more accepted. Genetically Engineered Soy(which is stuffed in EVERYTHING) these days is not. I avoid it(and things i don't know what are and artificial dyes and msg's..) completely. I am sure they make me feel bad.

    The bread(and miscellaneous) you are still eating may be bothering you too. Get rid of it. The stuff they call bread these days, man-o-man.

    You may have a low blood sugar problem. More beans, grains, soups, stews, home made breads, hot cereals, pot pies, spaghetti with all the vegs you have around should help you get more evened out.

    Some of the super market commercially made vegan foods are refused by my children, myself, and others we know. Many of these are just in it for profit and are producing vegan junk burgers and what not.

    Read the ingredients before buying, look for non GMO soy and learn how to make your favorite things from scratch.

    If you take the egg suggestion, find local ones from a nice small grower. When you get the rest of your diet down, I am sure you will give up the eggs easily.

    You must get enough fat! Stuffing nuts and seeds here and there, earth balance margarine, and ground flax seeds are great places too start.

    The are so many websites to help. I like this search term: Vegan Menu Plan  and this is the website I tell my non veg friends about:

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