
I'm a vegetarian, how can i get enough protein in my diet?

by Guest44873  |  earlier

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I've been a vegetarian for a few months and I've definitely slacked on getting enough protein in my diet. At first I figured that it didn't matter too much, plenty of people don't get all of the necessary nutrients they need but I have a few friends who are anemic and don't want to develop that condition.

Can anyone suggest a few foods that I can eat to get enough protein (44 grams a day)?




  1. beans, nuts, soy, other legumes and mock meat/dairy substitutes [soy milk is great!]

    whole grains

  2. Eat eggs and dairy. The animal fats in those foods are good for you and both are good sources of nutrients. Personally I'd stick with meat and fish, but I'm not the one who wants to be a vegetarian.

    Generally animal products are the best sources for protein, omega 3 fatty acids, cholesterol (which is a nutrient) and various vitamins.

  3. You're probably getting more than you think (unless you're really limiting your caloric intake.)

    Vegetarian sources of protein include soy beans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, all the faux meat products like boca burgers,) beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains (all of 'em,) nuts and seeds*, fruits and vegetables (especially dark green ones,) eggs, and dairy products.

    *If you can eat peanut butter, you can also try other nut butters.  If seeds are a problem, try eating sesame seeds in the form of tahini.

    (Anemia is not a protein deficiency.  It usually refers to iron deficiency, although there are other types of anemia.)

  4. Protein is in everything you eat and has nothing to do with anemia.  Follow the vegetarian food pyramid.  If you eat enough during the day, you are most likely getting enough protein.

  5. Watch this, gonna commercial break...

  6. unjury protein powder its unflavored and can be added to anything. you can order online

  7. Incorporate beans into your diet (make bean salad - recipe follows); eat tofu; if you dont like tofu you can get frozen soy beans (also called edamame) and then of course there are lentils/pulses and you can make some Indian dal with those -- really high in protein.

    Bean Salad recipe -- Mix one can of black beans with chopped bell peppers (green, red, yellow, whichever you like), add fresh or frozen corn kernels, add about 1/4 cup of Italian Salad dressing and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours b4 eating. You can add more or less dressing if you want. You can also add cooked & cooled pasta.

    For edamame -- Bring water to a boil and add fresh or frozen edamame. Sprinkle some salt (according to your taste) and take out of water after 5-7 minutes. Add more salt if desired . Enjoy while warm.

  8. You should eat Soy foods, Tofu, and lots of veggies.

  9. Beans , especially pintos

  10. beans tofu nuts

  11. Excluding nuts, some good protein sources are black beans, fake meats, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, pinto beans, soybeans, soymilk, sunflower seeds, and tofu.

  12. All mentioned are great but for desert get a boy friend to help you. He'll tell you how & what you need to do..

  13. 1. If you are an ovo-vegetarian, the egg whites are the best source of complete protein

    2. If you are a lacto vegetarian, Dairy products are excellent source of proteins: Milk, Yogurt, Vegetarian Cheese

    3. If you are a vegan

    - The best source is any soybean products, Soya milk, Tofu, Tempeh, Miso.

    For complete nutrition for vegans, select soybean products that are fortified with Calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12.

    - I know you don't like nuts, but there are many nut butters besides peanut butter. I like Almond butter

    - Eat whole grains and dried beans together

    Whole Grain: Brown Rice, Whole Grain Bread, Oats

    Dried Beans: Garbanzo beans, Red Kidney beans, Black beans, Lentils

    You mentioned your friends being anemic. It has to do with Iron and not protein. Eat leafy vegetables along with fruits/vegetables high in vitamin C.

    You should visit some website for Vegans. The common problems are : Proteins, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Zinc, and Omega 3. None of these represents a nutrition problem that can not be resolved with proper selewction of plant foods.

    I am glad, you are actually looking into the nutrients.

  14. CHEESE, nuts, milk, peanut butter, and more CHEESE.

  15. Soy, beans & rice, Special K, nuts and nut butter.

  16. beans, nuts, soy products (which are beans)

  17. As a vegetarian, you need to be extra careful to make sure you get high quality protein. Most vegetable sources of protein don't have a proper amino acid blend, so you get even less out of it than the total grams that are in it.

    However, there are vegetarian sources of protein that ARE complete, so you don't need meat.

    Here are some examples:

    Rice and beans (together, they make a complete protein)

    Whey protein shakes

    Eggs (if you can eat them still, they are great for protein). If you are worried about fat or cholesterol, you can actually buy just egg whites which are 80-90 percent protein (and still high quality protein).

    And if you're worried about keeping calories lower?:

    Rice and beans are very filling for the amount of calories you get, so no worries there.

    Whey protein shakes and egg whites are both low calorie.

  18. Whole grains, nuts, legumes, beans, soy.  Dairy if you eat it.

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