
I'm a vegetarian and loving it but?

by Guest58435  |  earlier

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I still havnt told my parents its been a year and a half and they still dont know.

i told mt aunt and she said it was better off not telling them.

cause their the kind who would freak. and not allow it.





  1. Just tell them it is your choice!

    The only reason why you wouldn't tell them is because you are afriad they might influence your decision...

    Learn to make decisions and not be influenced by what people think, ok?

  2. You've been a vegetarian for a year and a half, and you're perfectly healthy and fine, i would assume. Tell them, it's your choice. It's your diet. I'm a vegetarian myself, and my Mom has no problem with it, as long as I'm getting enough protein. Just explain to your parents that it's your choice, and you like being a vegetarian. Good luck :)

  3. If they haven't noticed why tell them? How old are you? if your getting close to moving out just tell them when ever you move out. If you honestly think they will not allow it then don't. They will probably force you to eat meat again.

  4. Well. Its your discision.

    If you want too tell them You can.

    There isnt anything wrong with being a vegetarian.

    Its something that you believe in.

    If you do choose to tell them, tell them why, and your reason's.

    And really, if you think about it, they cant MAKE you eat anything you dont want too.

    In my Opinion, if they can not accept your choice, then they can accept you.

    . Bottom Line - Do what YOU think is rite, and dont worry about what ANYBODY thinks for now.

    Hope I Helped



  5. Just tell them. You've done it for a year and a half, and I assume had no bad effects - just say "Mom, Dad, I'm still ALIVE, so clearly this thing works."

  6. There is more protein in a serving of  beans and rice than there is in a 4 oz. steak. IF you feel that you want to not have that item in your diet it is your body. Let them freak out, I feel that they will get over it. It's better than never taking the meat they serve as they will question why you refuse it eventually.

  7. Its been that long and they haven't figured it out?!?!

    Well thats not the point but what you should do is break it down. Tell them you've been one for 1 1/2  yrs and you just want them to know! They can't really stop you unless they want you to starve and i'm sure they wouldn't want that!!

  8. tell them

  9. im kinda on the same boat, my parentshave known that ive been a vegetarian, but ive been vegan for like 3-4 months now, and they dont know (i dont really see how)

    if they woudnt allow it oyu probly ar ebetter off not telling them, but if you do get up to telling them then make sure you are prepared for arguments, do a bit of research on how to respond to what you think they might say, good luck

  10. There's going to be many things in your life that your parents might not agree with your choices. What are you going to keep things from them for the rest of your life?

    You shouldn't be afraid of telling them. It's better to not keep things from them. Let them better understand who you are choosing to be. That you are standing up for something that you believe is right. They aren't going to force feed you liver-

  11. Since your parents haven't noticed that you're a vegetarian in over a year, I assume you don't live with, how can they not allow it????  Just tell them, or not ... you're an adult, and it's your choice.  If you aren't living with them (and how sad THAT would be for them to not have noticed what you've been eating!), then YOU are paying the bills and it's none of their business what you eat!

  12. Just tell them. You don't need their approval or for them to allow it. You can choose to eat whatever you want to eat as long as it's healthy, whatever age you are.

  13. I understand that what your folks think, can be important to you. My Father doesn't get it at all. He's says he understands, but to me saying that and not being a veggie/vegan makes no sense at all. If he truly understod, he'd be aware of the horror of meat and not eat it.

    You should tell them just to get the monkey off your back. If they are sensible, loving parents, then they will respect your decision.

    Best of luck. ;)

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