
I'm a vegetarian and need to lose some weigt before August.?

by Guest32008  |  earlier

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I go to the gym 4/5 times a week but I need some ideas of healthy foods I can eat. Any suggetsions would be great




  1. Yes, check out the "Vegetarian Weight Loss" page on the website below...good luck!

  2. Vegetarian does not mean it is low in fat, so you need to figure out how much fat you  take in  per day and reduce it . Most people can only lose 1 pound per week so make sure you set a realistic goal and stick to it.

  3. Watch the grains and oils and remember that anything you eat late in the day needs to be lighter in carbo's. They end up getting stored while you sleep. Alcohol, which most people enjoy late in the day is fat waiting to happen, considered to be concentrated food. You also need to limit any stress as that will give you a major spare tire around your middle. Don't be a basket case over being a bit heavy as it could be genetic. Northern peoples (genetically) will be heavier but any race can have that predisposition. It's really okay.

  4. keep it simple. make sure that for each meal the bulk of what you're eating is fruit/vegetable--in other words, start with a salad and fruit, and then have a little of something else. Control your portions. Don't eat gross processed snack foods between meals.  Actually don't ever eat gross processed snack foods. And of course limit your sweets. But don't deprive yourself--you'll demonize the yummy stuff and give yourself a complex about it--that's not healthy either. Always choose quality over quantity--have a small square of really excellent chocolate instead of a bar of processed reduced fat "100 calorie" splenda chocolate.

  5. I would suggest going  to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, 4 times is too much.

    You are probably having too much fat, sugar or alcohol and need to cut down.

    Use a mild olive oil for ALL of your cooking, instead of vegatable oil or butter.

    You may be eating too much fruit or nuts.  Fruit juice is high in sugar and it is too easy to graze on dried fruit.  Try to snack on veggies instead of fruit and nuts.

    There are some nice low fat cheeses available now. Some are pants but there are some good ones.

    You can't go far wrong with rissotto if you use rissotto rice.  Quorn is a good low cal food and comes in any form you can think of.

    You can find details of proper portions sizes on this link

  6. Check out and listen to Dr. Becky Natrajan as she explains the role of toxicity in weight gain; and the role of cleansing in dropping those unwanted pounds and inches. All the products on that site with the exception of the MArs and Venus Products or the Omega 3,6,9 capsules are lacto vegetarian and incredibly effective. Check it out.

  7. Not sure but eat less fruit and stay active at home too!

  8. exercise?

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