
I'm a vegetarian for more than 10yrs. Why do I still have bad skin?

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I'm a vegetarian for more than 10yrs. Why do I still have bad skin?




  1. maybe its genetics or maybe your not eating something that aids with skin it depends if you still eat junk food that may be your answer

  2. Because you've been a vegitarian for more than 10 yrs!~

  3. Try scarfing down a 24oz medium rare Tbone steak

  4. Try anything with "oxy" in the name of it.  OK are you ready with a pen and paper?  Because I'm going to share once again a top secret beauty tip.  Here goes:  For bad blemishes,  Make a paste with yeast (you find it in the baking section of any grocery store.)  Apply.  That will bring it to the top.  Wash face well.  Zap!......With some plain yogurt......and Visine takes the red out!!!   Any Clearasil works great.  Always wash your hands and face before you go to bed.  Change your pillowcase often.  Keep you hands off your face.  Don't pick!!!  There's a big difference between extracting and digging!!   Get yourself a good mask. (No not a halloween mask smarty pants!!)   Nuetrogena has a good one.  Apply a small amount on problem areas before you go to bed.  Leave on all night.  Be careful with your make up line.  "Bare minerals" is great!  A powder that has no grease like liquid make-ups!  Great for the girls.  Great concealer too!  Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.  Maybe even a steak.  Good luck!!

  5. You could have skin problems that don't have anything to do with nutrition.

    See a doctor.

  6. Only elephants have bad skin.

  7. Don't listen to some of the answers here - 'being a vegetarian gives you bad skin'? I've never heard such rubbish in all my life! Absolutely ridiculous!

    If anything, it should be quite the reverse as meat-eaters tend to eat more saturated fat - ugh! A diet high in sugar, fat and preservatives will not only have a bad effect on your skin, hair, and nails but also whole body as a whole. Many skin ailments and complaints are due to diet, but it can also be a hormone imbalance too. See a Doctor if you're unsure, as they will be able to advise you.

    I've been a vegetarian for 17 years and I've always had a great complexion. I eat food high in protein and make sure I have plenty of fruit and veg every day. Water flushes out toxins and helps bring moisture to the skin and as well as 'plumping' it up.

    Hope this is helpful to you!

  8. Skin is an outlet for toxins too. If you have eaten something that was full of toxins, and because of the eating habits you have, the liver could not filter out some of the toxins, and they were released into your blood stream. Now the toxins can usually flow through capillaries, but with genetics, some people have really thin capillaries and the toxins get stuck. Here the toxins cause havoc with the epidermal/dermal layers.

    I have had bad skin for many years (even into my 30's) and though I have only been vegetarian/vegan for 7 years, it did not clear up till I went to a nutritionist/holistic doctor. She explained this to me, and we then set out to find out what I was allergic too. I found out that chocolate, soybeans (as a vegan this was a blow not to be able to eat tofu!), and corn (so much for nacho grande!). Since I have cut those things out of my diet, my skin is glowing! Though all three are hard to cut out because corn and soybean oil is in everything! And what can I say about chocolate. Sometimes I break out in a big pimple and just smile cause it was that dark chocolate bar I had two days ago ;-).

  9. Vegetarianism isn't a recipe for good skin. But contrary to some of the answers on here, neither is it a cause of bad skin. The most important vitamins for skin are A and D, and these come from vegetables and the sun, not from animal products.

    Go see a dermatologist, they're the ones most likely to be able to diagnose whatever your problem happens to be.

  10. Eating meat isn't the only cause for bad skin, and being vegetarian isn't a cure all for it, silly. I do, too, and have been one many years.

  11. ur probably missing out in foods normal people eat, but not too sure, u must not be getting certain oils ur body needs

  12. being a vegetarian is probably why you have bad skin.  Not eating meat deprives your body of protein and nutrients your skin needs to make it healthy.

  13. it's not directly connected. Try to drink a lot of water (2-3 liters a day) and use other skincare methods.

  14. Bad skin is not by the foods you eat,like how they say fats and sugar can cause bad skin,they have proved that it is a myth.My mom and I both eat meat,vegetables,and sweets,and she still has crystal clear skin while I break out every once in a while,it was worse when I was a teenager.Its the hormones in your body,if you have more hormones active then you produce more oils in your body that make your skin break out more,why do you think teenagers break out all the time,its because of there hormones going wild,also its important how you keep your skin clean.

  15. 11 years ago before you became a vegetarian did you have this problem?  Has this problem been in existence ever since you became a vegetarian?  These are questions you need to ask yourself.  You should go to a detmetologist and describe the history of your skin condition and let them look at it.

    I don't think drinking plenty of water can help, except clean out your kidneys and make you urinate a lot.

    Try not using make-up or anything on your skin for a week or so.  Think about your daily routine and what you try now on your skin, try to make a correlation between your habits, lifestyle, and your skin condition.

    You are probably a smart person, so try to form a hypothesis about your condition, if you can't see a professional.

  16. It's not just about the diet. It's a combination of things ranging from your genetics to exercise to diet, etc.

    My best (general) advice would be to eat lots of fruit and veggies, drink heaps and heaps of water, and exercise for about 30 min every day.

    I use Cetaphil Dry Skin Moisturizer for my skin everyday. I started using it when my skin looked c**p in puberty and I noticed results pretty quickly. Might help you too. Good luck!

  17. What is wrong with your skin?

    If its oily/spotty then you might be eating too many dairy products.

    If it dry then the opposite you aren`t getting enough proteins, fats and oils (try olive oil on salads etc)

    Hope this has helped

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