
I'm a vegeterian, i have urges to eat meat a lot..

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Is this normal?

I often want to steal a peice of pork, chicken, steak off the plate when nobodies looking, but i dont. Is this normal?

I've been a vegeterian for 1 year.




  1. yes, that is why we have canine teeth, to tear flesh. we are omnivores not vegetarians. unless you are doing it for religious reasons, it is not natural to be vegetarian.

  2. What happened to me is when I smell meat it actually makes me sick so I don't think that is normal. I also think of the animals and that makes it even more disgusting. But I have been vegetarian longer than you so maybe thats the reason. But when I was at your level I didn't want meat then so maybe you were just born to eat meat. Hope it helps!

  3. This used to happen to me when I'd let myself get too hungry.  

  4. I would think so because you have only been vegetarian for only one year which means that other than last year, you probably were used to eating meat.( If you didn't eat meat before, sorry about the mix-up) I wouldn't worry because you (hopefully)most likely will overcome the urge, but if you don't, you always can quit being a vegetarian and eat meat If this doesn't help,I'm not really sure what to say to help you. Hope this helps

  5. I'm sure it's normal to crave it. Like others have said just a lack in your diet causing it. I've been veg for over 5 years and have never had a craving even in the beginning, until now since I'm pregnant lol. Also sure we may be omnivores but unlike true carnivores we can't eat most meat raw and can't really tear flesh from prey like a big cat or wolf. Maybe because I had braces but my teeth are mostly flat not like my dogs so....

  6. We are born meat eaters.  It is full of protein and minerals our bodies need.  

    Get a dose of fish or chicken once in a while and your urges will go away.


    jk probably is if u want to be veggie thats cool

    but to the first dude meat is not a rotting carcass its a yummy cooked carcass

  8. Craving meat could be a sign that your current diet is lacking in something your body needs:

    You could try some of the suggestions on this site to see if it's a psychological or physiological craving:

    Based on the number of forum posts about this topic on Google ( I'd say it's very common.  "Normal" is a little harder to judge. ;-)

  9. i am in a similar predicament. i have also recently become vegetarain (like you, for about a year) and sometimes have very strong urges to eat meat. like most people have said, it's because you aren't getting enough of the proteins that are in meat to supplement it. you probably haven't changed your diet enough to accomodate the lack of the vitamins and proteins that your body needs, so it tells you by sending signals that you want to eat meat. i recommend that you integrate more protein-rich foods into your diet, such as tofu, milk, cheese, nuts, and whole grains. i would also recommend taking a vitamin supplement in the mornings if you don't already. centrum or a chewable tablet should be fine. if you get the urge for a craving and eating something else healthy doesn't cure it, think about the reasons why you became a vegetarian, and see if that helps your wanting to eat animals.  

  10. It may be that you're not getting something from what veggies/fruits you are eating. Check out what vitamins, minerals etc. are in meat and compare it to what you've been eating, see what you're missing. Then look for that in other fruits/veggies or in a supplement.

  11. Meat is nothing more than rotting carcass.

    Edit: Bailey, you do realize once something dies it begins to rot, freezing may slow the process down, but it is still rotting meat.

  12. No it is not normal.  Normal would be to go ahead and eat it.

  13. You may want to think about WHY you are a vegetarian.  It may be that you like being a vegetarian, but you still need a hamburger just to keep your vitamins up.

    And the body tends to crave things that have the vitamins it needs.  If you need potassium, you crave bananas, and so on.  Maybe your vitamins are out of whack and you need to see if you are getting enough protein.

  14. When your body lacks nutrients, it tells you in the form of cravings.

    You're most likely lacking iron or protein. So go and eat some tofu or some beans, and you should start feeling better.

  15. yes, it's normal.

    you're not getting enough nutrients and vitamins and protein and meat.

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