
I'm a very awkward person?

by Guest67130  |  earlier

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and i!!! need to change. help!!!?




  1. Yeah. Even your questions are quiet awkward.

    Only you will know what is making you awkward, and when you are aware of it, you can change it.

  2. Meditate. You may find comfort in yourself, your image and who you are. Then, if you still want to change, don't transform yourself for acceptance. No one loves a fake. Find out what aspects of yourself you don't like (meditation should help here as well) and change them at your own pace. F*** IMAGE, The world will never completely accept you. The best you can do is find a way to accept and love yourself. After that, you'll be fine, and much happier.

  3. If no one loves you then try to change...I don't know how to tell you to change but if you have people who do love you then stay the way you are...being you could be why they love you.

  4. Yeah, me too. I told myself to get over it because I'd rather have people think I'm dumb, dorky, klutzy, and silly than for them to think I'm scared.

  5. what do you need help with!  sounds like you know yourself.. so rock on with your bad self! :)

    if someone is asking you to change tell them they should change too!

    your fine the way you are thanks!

  6. this questions prettty awkward...

  7. I used to be that way and to fix it I got a job where I was required to be outgoing and talk to people.  (server at a restaurant) Over time it forced and taught me to be more outgoing and friendly.  You could also read some self help books.

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