
I'm a very outgoing, agressive person. It's splitting up me and my man. How do I back down? I love him so much

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I've always been a "in your face" kind of a woman. I've tried to hold off doing this. But I have such a hard time. And for the last week we've hardly talked, yet we live together. I love this man so much and I'm hurting so bad that he won't talk to me. What can I do????




  1. stay near to him

    could you answer me??

  2. It doesn't sound like you guys are a personality match. However if you truly want this relationship to work you may want to seek out counseling for your temper and "in your face" demeanor. Tell him that you're going to counseling for it and you don't want it to cause you anymore trouble in this relationship.

  3. I agree with Ralphy ^

  4. If you truly are in love with this man, then nothing should be impossible to change.  You gotta know that you are in control of your feelings and emotions and if you know that your attitude is a problem, fixing it should not be as hard as you think.  A good thing is that you know what the problem is.  So you need to stop with the in your face attitude, and as easy and simple as this sounds you "just do it".  Just remind yourself of whats more important, the way you are or the way you want to be, and in time you will change.  For now just assure him that you want to change and you want to for him, if he loves you like you love him then he will wait till you do.

  5. Well if you could tone it down and talk less, you probably would but its out of your control. This why you are like you are. Just keep yourself busy, get sick of all the drama, rumors and talk in life period. Keep yourself busy, visit friends, whatever it takes so you aren't with him babbling all the time. Don't love him so much, distance yourself, you're too dependant or attached. You sound like maybe you are younger than him.....

  6. you talk to him dead down honest, and admit your problem honestly and without reservations

    then tell him that you want to work on it, and want him to be honest with you and tell you when its enough by using cue word like time out or hold on or something

    and then you work on it, when he gives you the cue your geting over the top, then have self control even if you feel like exploding to stop, just dead down stop talking and say ok...i'll take a walk and when I get back we'll try sit down and talk again

    the time alone and fresh air will give you time to contemplate over it

    but the best way is to talk to him and get his help, and also listen to him.

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