
I'm a virgo and my ex-husband was born in May...?

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we had a terrible marriage, I just met a new guy but he is also born in May is there a problem with that? I just don't want to make the same mistake twice!!!!




  1. I am a Virgo too and my ex-husband's birthday is May 25th, which makes him a Gemini.  I can't remember off hand what sign is the beginning of May, but it isn't Gemini.  Your new guy is a Gemini.  My marriage ended terribly and it didn't have too.  Geminis tend to have a fly by the seat of their pants lifestyle.  They are free spirits who want things right here and right now.  Patience is definitely not their strong points and they get bored easily.  While I enjoyed living spontaneously with him, I didn't want to do that on an everyday basis for everything in our lives.  He felt like I was always on him and criticizing him when really all I wanted was an answer or to resolve a conflict. I didn't realize it, but before him, I dated nothing but Geminis.  Geminis and Virgos naturally are attracted to one another.  We stimulate one another's intellect and have great chemistry.  I'm not going to tell you not to date him just because of his sign because things may very well work out.  I am dating a Capricorn and he is great, but guess what?  He's cheating on me and thinks I don't know.  So all in all, it doesn't really matter the sign; just take your time.  

  2. end of may or beggining? is he a gemini? honestly.. signs I do believe in but what really matters is the chemistry btwn you..

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