
I'm a white liberal male. Wheres my excuse ?

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Every demographic has an excuse for failure except for the white liberal male.

Conservatives can always claim a liberal media bias when reality is against them.

Other races can of course claim racism and women can claim sexism.

Well what about me ?! It's not fair. I need an excuse for when I s***w up.





  1. You were poisoned by the liberals.

  2. Computer nerd?

  3. Being a liberal, you must have some type of mental disorder.  Just use that.

  4. Maybe because you made the mistake of being liberal?

  5. A million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780.  Let's demand our reparations.  And don't forget an Official Apology!  I'm sure that will transform my life if I get an Official Apology.

  6. There is such a thing as a white liberal male?

  7. I think you're covered under the g*y\  L*****n statute.

  8. Your excuse is that you chose to ditch your manhood and become a sissy.

  9. A white, liberal male is the ultimate failure - there can be no excuse.

  10. Takes all kinds.  Bad childhood, I guess, or some mental defect.

  11. Feel free to use one of these..... you are sexually confused, you have a low IQ, your mother didn't breast feed you.

  12. Reverse discrimination??

  13. Your parents, friends, or education told you that as a liberal you should not have to work for a living and that the government would/should provide for all your needs. As you entered the "real world", you found out that the only way to get ahead in life was through hard work and personal sacrifice. The reality conflicted with what you were taught thus, setting you up for failure. In short, it is not you fault, it is the way you were raised that doomed you to fail.  

  14. You're a lib.

  15. white liberal male = g*y. you have an excuse.

  16. brain cell deficiency, birth defect. You are eligible for disability, and not responsible for your actions. (or stupid questions)

  17. Your daddy abused you

  18. I too was once a liberal, but saw the light.  If you try hard enough, you can do it.  Conservatism is where it's at.

  19. A. Your g*y

    B. You have mental deficiencies, or a birth defect

    C. Your a conspiracy theorists, JFK IS LIVING IN MY BASEMENT lol

    D. Your really part of some minority.

  20. Blame it on some right-wing conspiracy, its what all the 9/11 conspiracy crackpots do.

  21. Class oppression.  Easy Q.

    The truth is that the “third rail” of American capitalist politics is not race, but class. What unites blacks and lower-income whites and immigrants is not that they are discriminated against or disrespected or victimized in some nebulous way. What unites them is that they are all part of the same class, the working class, whose labor produces all the wealth of society, which is expropriated from them by another class, the owners of capital.

    This elementary Marxist proposition is the starting point of a scientific understanding, not only of the 2008 elections, but of the world political situation.

    American liberalism and the Democratic Party are based on an evasion of the fundamental class issues that dominate American society. Instead, they focus obsessively on secondary issues of race, gender, age, etc., and thereby exacerbate such differences and impart to them a malignant character.

    Since the party is not based on any coherent program, its candidates must make their appeal by adopting personas designed to win support from different constituent elements of the party amalgam.

    The ideal of equality—openly repudiated by the Democrats—is today inseparable from the fight of working people to defend their living standards and basic rights against the attacks being carried out by the corporations and the government. This struggle can be advanced only through an irreparable break from the Democratic Party and the building of a new independent political movement of the working class fighting for the socialist reorganization of society.

    In the final analysis, the liberal wing of the ruling elite fears the same social process as Geyer and company: the radicalization of wide layers of the population and their advancement of their own independent interests, above all, social equality. It fears this more than anything, including police-state dictatorship.

    In The History of the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky cited the comment of a Russian philosopher, who spoke more forthrightly than our present-day liberals—at least out loud: “Whatever we [liberals] stand for, we must not dream of uniting with the people—we must fear them more than all the persecutions of the government, and we must give thanks to the government which alone protects us with its prisons and bayonets from the ferocity of the people.” Voila!

  22. Your excuse is misdiagnoses..

    You seem to be more a phony conservative by your unwillingness to accept personal responsibility.

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