
I'm a witness in court case but also been called forJury Duty 1 week after witness case - is this allowed?

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There is nothing in the booklet to suggest that it's not allowed but few people have suggested that you shouldn't be a witness and jury member within certain timescales.





  1. The process of jury selection does not take into considereration any recent court appearances you've made as a witness. There are people who act as a witness on a constant basis as a part of their profession (forensics experts, for example), and they are also not exempt from jury duty. There is no reason it should be exempt, as there is no conflict of interest.

  2. A juror and a witness are not the same thing.  You can probably have the jury duty postponed because you're a witness on something else, but you will still have to serve.

  3. if you are part of the jury pool called to be considered as a jury member for the trial where you personally witnessed certain events, you should tell the lawyers and judge this information.  this should disqualify you from sitting on the jury for that particular case. immediately prior to a trial, the potential jurors are generally questioned to determine their ability to sit on the jury and make an impartial decision based on the evidence presented at trial and only on that evidence the court has admitted. this should give you your best opportunity to make your situation known.  

  4. That is not one of the exemptions. You will still have to go.

  5. I don't think it would be...however, inform the courts/the place that sent you the jury notice and tell them what's going on.  They might let you out of it.

  6. You have been misinformed.

    As long as it is not the same case, you have to do your jury duty and be a witness.

  7. In the UK it is allowed. I would suggest contacting the court to inform them of witness case just in case that overruns and impacts on your jury service. They may postpone jury service instead.

    Hope that helps. I understand it is an experience.

  8. Yes, of course. One has nothing to do with the other.

  9. You don't say whether you are giving evidence in Magistrates or Crown Court. Whichever, you could not serve as a juror on the case where you are a witness as this trial would be at the very least part heard if at Crown so the jurors would already be in place.

    If you are appearing as a prosecution witness and the trial is the week before you are being asked to attend for jury service then the likelyhood is that unless it is a very long and protracted case, you will have already given you evidence and your part in that trial will be over.

    On the letter you received telling you to attend court as a witness it should tell you if the trial is set to last more than 1 day, a time estimate and a batting order will be with your witness care officer, so they will be able to tell you which day you should be required to give evidence. If you are concerned about an overlap with giving witness evidence and being a juror, then you need to speak to your witness care officer whose name and number should be on the letter telling you to attend court, and explain that you will need to give evidence and be released by the court as early as possible.

    There is no conflict between the cases, so becoming a juror a week after giving evidence in another trial is not a problem.

    Don't be surprised if you get a dewarn letter before you get a chance to give your evidence in court...its very common for defendants to enter guilty pleas just before a court trial or on the morning of a trial.

  10. Inform the court of this. The only problem with jury service is the case can last longer than expected and on these grounds you may be excused.

  11. No law against this. Just appear when you are supposed to for jury duty.

  12. Absolutely legal , You would want someone to testify if you were innocent of whatever, also you have a duty to do jury duty. That is the beauty of a democratic republic.

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