
I'm a woman but ....?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone explain to me why this is necessary?




  1. so that they dont end up pregnant at a young age in a council esta just being a waste of space...DUUUUUH...

  2. It's obviously his wifes idea.  Us men just go along to keep the peace and make sure we get to watch the foorball when Eastenders is over.

  3. He is panicking about his forthcoming election defeat.

  4. Vote catching

  5. eww

  6. I've heard it all now

  7. Patronising Bast*rd,  and he sent a message to M Thatcher wishing her well, she would have spat in his face had he made a comment like that, just who the h**l does he think he is? God's gift to women - Pillock

    EDIT Lusu, very well said

  8. Sorry leaves me cold, Women tend to do what they want anyway.

  9. it's a d**n shame they didnt do this when i was training in business .... good idea, about time !!!

  10. I too am a woman and don't want to see women become dependant upon men.  However, I think we should be encouraging women to spend the first few years of their children's lives at home with them.  I managed to do this and still build a career when they were old enough.  I didn't become M.D. or Chairman but felt that they were the most important thing in my life, and still do.

  11. I think he's just desparately pulling out all the stops now to try to get votes.

  12. I'd rather cut my throat than go into business. As usual Brown is being patronising whilst the rest of us are struggling to pay the bills on a wage that is often much less than our male counterparts.

  13. thts preety sick

  14. They have nothing to occupy them: Politicians that is, not women!

  15. ROFL at super.wisdom. Is that what happened to you?

  16. I actually think there,s some merit in the idea, and I am not a big fan of Labour. Whilst there are successful women all over the place and in all areas of public life and rightly so, the fact remains that in a lot of working class families, there are no professional women role models. Most of them are stuck in a self-perpetuating circle of teenage mothers producing teenage mothers. I know its not fashionable to criticise this situation, without being labelled a right-wing Tory, but truth must be told, that these disadvantaged kids are not being exposed to harsh realities of a changing world, where women are independent, capable, career-oriented, professional and productive AND EQUAL MEMBERS of society, not just some abandoned semi-illiterate baby making  entities, depending on the 'Social' for their upkeep. The yob culture, everyone is now screaming about are mostly off-springs of these unfortunate mothers. I think it would contribute greatly if these girls are exposed to 'where its happening', seeing the powerful modern women in operation, deploying real power and expertise, will do a lot in inspiring and encouraging them to grow rather then stagnate and fester and blame a Class system or the Tory party, for the ill advised ( by their peers) choices they make. The Class system is pretty blurred these day, it professions that counts, and that is what affords a better standard of living.  For he or SHE that wants to make it, there,s ample opportunities, if she have the wherewithall, to get out there and strive for it.

    Please no hate letters to me, I am already suffering for having expressed these views by being victimised by my local Socialist party members.

  17. we don't need any special treatment, just to be treated in the same way as men .e.g. same wages, same advantages, same opportunities. We don't need to be patronised. If he wants to help then make sure there is equality in all areas of emploment, same wage for same job. and yes when men become pregnant and carry a child then they should get equal maternity rights!
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