
I'm a young mother of 2,my husband and i are living with his mother that i can't stand, ?

by  |  earlier

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can't afforded where we live, is there any family help we can get?? um like rent or child care so i can find a job??




  1. Social services will have all that information, housing, child care, food stamps, and programs available in your area for job training.

  2. You and your husband should work opposing shifts so that one of you can watch the kids while the other works. If this isn't to your liking, your husband can get a second job. Save the money earned from the second job for deposits to move out. If you guys are really committed to getting on your feet you can do it without any outside assistance.

  3. "afforded"????

    Perhaps a better education would net a substantial increase in salary.

  4. There are government assistance programs that help with the daycare expenses.

    Good luck.

  5. Girl, go to your local Dept. Of Human Assistance.

    They will give you food stamps, welfare, they will help you get a job and or your high school diploma, they will pay for your daycare and they can even give you vouchers for the bus or gas.

    Point is, there is something you can do to get out of ur mother in laws.

    Your husband will not do it himself or else he would of done it already.

    Dont be ashamed to use up all the resources out there, that's what they are for. People look down on it and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. It's what you do with it that matters.

    I struggled. I was married to a deat beat and he had me living with his mother. I took advantage of ALL these resources and got my degree in business. Now, I take care of me and mine, I pay taxes and I would like to think that Im doing it so that Mother's like me, can be given a Second Chance to make it!! Make it Girl!!  

  6. You can get government help  

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