
I'm about 5"8 and 135 pounds i'm 14 and in need to know if i need to gain weight to get faster

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I'm about 5"8 and 135 pounds i'm 14 and in need to know if i need to gain weight to get faster




  1. You are already pretty hefty for a 14 year old. If you mean to run faster, no don't put on more fat wreight, build leg and back muscles. This may add weight, but it will be muscle weight. Try to move fat around and you will simply huff and puff.

  2. Your weight is perfect for your size if you are a girl.  If you are a guy, another ten pounds should do it.

  3. I do not think adding weight will make you run faster.  Your weight is good now.  As you grow you will add weight.  Part of that will be increased leg muscles to help carry the extra weight.

  4. if you are a girl DO NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT BECAUSE BEFORE YOU KNow it your anorexic

  5. Gaining weight isn't really gonna make you faster, just fatter.

  6. you dont need to gain weight to get faster but gaining leg muscle can help increase your speed.

  7. Well im about 5' 9" and Im 138 but i think that i always go faster when im lighter because you're more aerodynamic.

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