
I'm about 7 months pregnant and going through custody issues with the dad help please?

by Guest61005  |  earlier

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he was 16 i was 15 The dad (jimmy? was amazing until about 6 months he decided to leave me for another girl he moved on fast two days after we broke up he was with somebody else i went hysterical i couldn't calm down my mom called him at work (mcdonalds) to make him calm me down because it was his doing he said what the f**k ever and hung up, a few days later i was in the emergency room because i was cramping from stress, he wouldn't go with me because he said i was trying to make it a date..ridiculous the day after we broke up he went to the doctors appointment and that was it he won't go anymore i can't even go into mcdonalds without him laughing with his friends at me a few weeks ago they put me at high risk for premature labor..i didn't tell him i'm anemic and on depression pills i've been going to the doctor weekly i've told him about the appointments and saved the messages because he's told me before he'll sue for full custody of my baby my parents want to sue for stagitory rape?




  1. as hard as this may be to do (and as unfair!) i say give him his space. leave him  alone bc its not healthy for you or the baby to be around him and its not worth it. get him for child support and wait to see if he is going to be a good dad - dont hold your breath but as of right now i say back off =) sorry that you are in this situation

  2. statutory rape... sweety. anyhow... save the messages, calm down, and make sure you are eating right... i know you are overwhelmed but this is not about you, this is about that precious creature inside of you. I dont know if your parents can charge him with rape (depends on the state) but you need to relax, move on and make sure that baby will be healthy... of course you need to be healthy to because he/she will need you

  3. Statutory rate is not something that should be used as "revenge" because you hooked up with a creep. Sorry you made a bad choice, in a number of areas, but what's done is done. In order for it to have been statutory rape in most states, he would have to have been over the age of 18, or 3 or 4 years older than you (such as a 16 year old and 11 year old). Have you considered adooption?

  4. They could go for statutory rape if they want that would be an option but really i doubt you have anything to worry about.  Just because he is a little older (not much) doesn't mean he has any more legal rights to the baby.  As long as you have your parents to back you up and be there for you then you have a support system.  Just do what you have to do to keep yourself together.  It doesn't matter if your anemic and really the depression thing as long as you are on the meds and seeing a councler then that won't matter either because you are getting help.  You don't have to tell him about the appts if you don't want that is up to you.  Men threaten to take custody because they don't want to pay support and want control just don't let him scare you and make you feel worse.

  5. I was older but my sons daddy .. kinda did the same thing. he left me wen i was prenant.. only went to one doctors appt., I was a high risk preg. because i had several things going on ... with my body that i was born with, plus stress, i had to go to the doctor every 2 weeks 2hours away to a high risk clinic the entire pregnancy. but you know wat  i did fine and so did my baby... he is almost grown! His dad doesnt call that much but he does pay child support.. i have a great guy now that loves me and my son!!! U will be fine.. dont worry about this man.. take care of urself .... it sounds like u have support from ur parents....he probally wont try to take ur baby away!!! he probally really doesnt want to if truth to be known!!! If ur a good person and will be a good loving mother ... he cant prove u unfit!! God bless you and ur little one to come!!

  6. it isnt stutory rape, because you said he was 16.  if he was 18 they could try to sue, but hes not.

  7. Next time be a little smarter and don't get pregnant while you are still a child yourself. Congrats on ruining your life.

  8. He sounds like a real class a jerk. YOur folks are right, He can and should be charged with statutory rape of a minor, a felononies offense, and he can and will do time if charged. He needs to be. You'll be better off without this jerk of a boyfriend, he does not care for you. Leave him now and charge him with what your folks say.

  9. it just makes me laugh that you are actually worried about a "boy" not a man but a boy working at a MCDONALDS taking your baby away???? i don't think anyone in their right mind will give a stupid kid a baby. first of all he needs an attorney, you think the minimum wage he gets can get him a good attorney? please you are stressing yourself over nothing. i am much older than you but i'm sord of in the same situation. my dead beat bf thinks he can take me to court when in reality he'll be the one losing.  i have a good job, i can provide for my baby, on the other hand my bf doens't even have a job so no worries there, and there shouldn't be any worries with you either. next time he tells you that laugh at HIM for being so stupid. it takes soo much to take a baby away from their mother! just relax you've asked this question a bunch of times and everyone will tell you the same. that kid CANNOT TAKE YOUR BABY AWAY!

  10. Technically your parents can't sue him for statutory rape because he was also underage when this happened. As for everything else...I'm not tryin to be mean but you are seriously setting yourself up for failure right here. Stop going into his workplace when he is there to avoid that whole situation. Just don't do it...there are other fast food places to go to rather than the Mcdonalds he works at. Don't have your parents get into it with him because that is just going to make things worse between the two of you. Don't ask him or expect him to go to doctors appointments with you either because evidentally he is a worthless piece of c**p and doesn't want anything to do with you or your baby. Let it go and let him go,take him to court after the baby is born and get his a$$ for child support and let it be the end of it. Its pointless to get yourself all worked up and possibly throw yourself into premature labor due to this jerk off being the way he is. You shouldn't have to be on depression meds because this guy,its not worth it.

    He is nothing but a little boy and you do not want to have to deal with his bullshit after you have the baby because once again ITS NOT WORTH IT!

    I am aware that this is easier said than done but you seriously need to try your best to get away from this guy  until the babyis born...then see him one last time for the child support hearing and be done with him completely.

    Also he more than likely will only be awarded joint custody with you but not full custody. He works at Mcdonalds and pretty much abandoned his child before it was even born...this does not look good in a custody case especially considering the circumstances. Just take it easy...try your best to forget that loser and move on with your are going to have a beautiful baby to worry about here soon and all this crazy c**p with that loser is just gonna seem like a bad nightmare.

    Best of Luck

  11. Nobody can sue anyone for statutory rape. It's a criminal matter, not civil. Only the district attorney can charge someone with statutory rape. You have to call the police to get the process started. That being said, a 16 year old can't be arrested for having s*x with a 15 year old. He is the second stupidest kid on earth (you being the stupidest kid on earth) but he is not a criminal.

    OK, now, your ex works at McDonalds!!!!! That means that he can't even support himself, let alone two people. How is he going to get custody? And it doesn't sound like you have a job at all. How are you going to support this child??

    You need to make arrangements for adoption, and you need to do it now. You will need to have your ex sign the papers, and he might take some convincing, because he is being a stupid immature brat. So you need to get the papers, and convince him to sign them. Start now, and keep trying every few days until he signs.

    You also need to calm down, stop being a childish drama queen, and grow up. You're 15, you are a child. But you decided to participate in adult activities. So now you have forfeited your right to the rest of your childhood and you have to start acting like an adult. That means do the right thing. Research adoption. Contact the right people. Get everything arranged. Other than the adoption, cut the ex out of your life. Grown ups don't need people like him in their lives.

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