
I'm about to buy a new snake. Is it healthy?

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There is a corn snake that I really would like to buy but a couple things jumped out at me as cause for concern. The first one is this small fatty lump. The store clerk called it a "fat deposit" and said it was a sign of good health. Is this true, or is he trying to make something bad sound like something good? And the other thing was while I was carrying her around, she was blowing a little snot. She wasn't making any raspy noises and it wasn't a lot. I put pressure on the throat to see if more came out, and it didn't. He claimed it was from the heat light going out earlier that day. As I type this I am starting to feel like he's full of it, but maybe he's telling the truth. Any thoughts?




  1. do not i repeat do not get that corn snake.  it is not healthy.  call the ASPCA, or animal control, because it is illegal to be selling animals that are not in good health.  a fat deposit is not a good thing at all.  that poor snake is not at all healthy.

  2. What i'd do is not buy the snake. They must have clear eyes, no lumps, and be nice and alert. Go to a different store, that one is REALLY sick.  

  3. no he is ling to you don't trust him. buy one from online pet stores don't take care of their animals try click on classifieds and type in corn snakes

  4. Don't get it. The snake obviously needs vet care. Also, call your local ASPCA. They are selling sick animals that need to see vets. Its a form of animal cruelty, and can carry hefty penalties. Imagine how many other animals may be potentially ill.

    Go through, and look at the classifieds (tab at top). The have a HUGE variety of snakes. I got my snakes through there, and never had an issue. All the breeders which I purchased my animals from were very helpful and answered all my questions.

  5. The guy is lying to you. Blowing mucus is never good, and it's a sign of a respiratory infection. Unless you want to spend a few hundred on vet bills, don't get the snake. A light burning out the day before will not cause mucus. And the fatty deposit is only found in some females, and it means nothing. It is neither good nor bad. It does not mean good health. I highly recommend you find a snake somewhere else.

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